
I was very lucky to have attended the taping, and to respond to Dennis' points of the content missing (for time) in the special, there is a marriage proposal story that involves the South Carolina Electric Company, and creates a better through line of Paul's life with Janie that helps in unifying the overarching

AHH! I cannot believe I forgot about that sketch. It had Sean Conroy in it, for the love of all that's holy. I was really off my game last night when I made that comment.

GOD. DAMMIT. I wrote that comment in the early morning and knew something was off. I'm straight up editing it, on account of total embarrassment.

WHEN DID MAVIS DIE?! Was that in a previous episode and I just don't remember, or was this episode the first to make mention?

Besser and Horatio made this episode for me. Everyone was great. Yeun was even better on the show than he was on his CBB podcast appearances (one of which was on VPN, of course). The Walking Dead/zombie humor was distilled down into an amazing concentrate of funny answers to questions Yeun is stereotypically asked in

On the topic of joke pedigree, it's worthy of note that in a recent interview (I cannot recall off the top of my head which one) Scott stated that he loves super-clunky dialogue, and that it was a staple of early sketch writing he did in and post-college. I immediately remembered that interview when the penultimate