Under normal circumstances, there is only a one in four thousand ninety six chance you’ll find a shiny Pokémon out…
Under normal circumstances, there is only a one in four thousand ninety six chance you’ll find a shiny Pokémon out…
I have a rule for my house: no more than a third of the artwork on my walls is allowed to be gaming-related. This…
Yes. And I'm sorry, but also I'm not sorry.
Not enough useless belts, 3/10, would not bang.
But this is part of the reason why minority heroes have such a problem succeeding. ANY hero who isn't a white male gets written off as "gimmicky" or "cheap" by a portion of comics fandom.
Well, I laughed. By Michael Kleinman.
It's pretty flattering really. I'm just picturing Kim Jong-un playing Homefront, and saying "Yes, I like these 'Kaos Studios' people. They shall be the last to die."
Show of hands. Who here wants to totally work at Valve?
Thanks for the post. Was my first attempt at trolling, so i wanted to go big.
Sony is only in on Morpheus because they want a customer base for whatever non-standard memory card it will surely require.
Really really good, been playing with a friend, and it is amazing. The coop experience makes it all the more fun. Truly one of the best games of the year in which i can really lose myself for hours and hours straight. Damn i love this game
"I hate when people are having fun and i'm not also having fun"
Dragon ball Z Budokai and Budokai 2 is pretty much the entire series. Both had HD ports not too long ago. If you played those, that's the series.