Some Derrick

The comments here are a welcome alternative to the many, many people on Facebook (including lots of women) claiming this was all “her fault” because she has lots of boyfriends and dresses like a slut. I mean, wtf?

It reminded me of The Man from U.N.C.L.E remake. But dopier.

I enjoyed it, but I can understand the disappointment if you were expecting horror. I think "slow thriller" would be a bit more accurate (if that's not too much of an oxymoron). I do appreciate movies that don't over-reveal, and I think the character study showing the dynamic between the small set of characters was

Totally agree and felt the same parallel.

Stephen Merchant makes it in the film, but no Pilkington?! I'm out.

I thought it was fine. Effects and story-wise, I don't think it is even in the same universe as Civil War, but I didn't hate it.

Frankly, I'm just impressed this comment was made and supported. As a Christian, I wasn't offended really, but I noticed. Thanks for the post.

Glad to come back this morning and finally see some people who liked it. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Yes there were flaws, and he relied heavily on the nostalgia factor, but I thought Rey was a standout, and JJA nailed the tone. It felt like a real Star Wars movie. That is a huge step in the right direction in my

I can't get that scene out of my head…

I really appreciate the first PA for the sustained dread feeling and what they didn't show. It was one of the most effective theatre horror experiences I can remember. Maybe it's because I was all alone in a theatre late at night.

And the first Paranormal Activity.

Definitely not. The movie makes it pretty much impossible to really like him.

Since I have the exact same dog, I had similar concerns. He makes it.

I thought 2 was awful.

I do love this song. But it always reminds me of the Columbine shootings because I guess it was popular around that time. Weird.

I usually have a lot of tolerance for lesser sequels, but this was really poorly written. I love Emilia Clarke, but both her and Jai Courtney seemed miscast to me. Tone was off. Everything just seemed wrong. I honestly liked Arnold the best but only because it reminded me of better days.

Personally, I think they show too much. I'm one of those "the less you see the better" horror movie fans. Once they put all the cards on the table way early, it becomes just a series of jump scares.

I enjoyed hate watching the last two seasons.

Lifetime pass for Slingblade.

I saw this today. Not particularly scary at all, but I agree that they totally commit to the premise and capture the realistic online experience very, very well. For that, along with some decent creepiness at times, I enjoyed it.