
Piffle. 1996 was fantastic. And it had a lot of great alternative. I'd hardly call it the year the genre died, more like the year other stuff started to rise.

This is inconvenient. at least, to my elderly father. It was hard enough to even get him to go digital, now he loves keeping all his music in one spot, that iPod of his. No other Apple device holds that much music. So, this kinda sucks.

Why does "Vincent and the Doctor" get so much love? It was sentimental, maudlin tripe. Cloying and nauseating and utterly over the top.

It's just criminal to rate "Private Plane" so low, but if she didn't find Flasheart funny ,then she didn't. To each his/her own I guess. I think it's a very bad and unfair score, but hey.

Corpses. It bears corpses.

Have never disagreed so much. I loved Chapman's over the top Chinese successor to Rear Admiral Sir Dudley Compton, even if he was embarassingly racist, it's just par for the course with old British shows. I also found Nicki Howorth charming and sly in that sketch with Biggles, one of the funniest ladies who wasn't

Ugh. Moffat sticking around? Yay.

I've been eagerly awaiting the arrival at one of my favorite moments: Damar's epic transformation. I was eager to see how the AV Club guys felt about this!