Yahmo Bethere

YT: turtle eating a raspberry. "Dindu". "Ape".

Those HBCU patch sweatshirts lead me to SC.


My grandmother chased some white men off the porch with a broom. Nobody ever explained the whys…

My 2nd great-grandfather fled his master and joined the Union. These shirt makers aren't my people.

WE should have clamped down on hoodboogers infecting our music with that. I've had to explain to people - while abroad - that that word is offensive.

My mom is dude. We're NCians.

They do. Take a look at the Atlantic.

They will be living like the least of us…except instead of the crackhouse, the'll be laying in the front seath with their mouth wide open and Jr. in the car seat sucking on Mt. Dew.

Patricia Hill Collins, Paula Giddings

Blacks, Native Americans, and Asians all should demand elementary schools

Bacon's Rebellion 2: Electric Boogaloo, Cured and Smoky

Black folks need to consider declining relevance. Demographic change is not, nor will it ever be, kind to us.

I used to miss "seasons" in NOLA. In DC, I wish I had 76 errday.

Ice =/= snow.

LOL stop it Chitownian!

You don't have the 50ft perimeter???

When I lived in NOLA, I had a friend (native) who put on gloves

Movie theater = sammich and sweater in bag.

My job had an "energy retrofit" that removed thermostats (amongst other things). We have all reallocated those energy savings to space heaters.