
Wonderful, we have a Gestapo now. TBH, the few ICE agents I know joined specifically for the chance of doing this type of thing, so they are going to be very busy doing what they love.

Was waiting for this meme, because this is my exact thought. I am so over feeling bad or sympathetic for dumb people who keep shooting themselves in the foot.

The GOP is arguing that this is how censorship works. They’re wrong, but that’s their argument.

Yes, because gun control is bad.

I am a person who got pregnant as a result of a rape. And I say this guy can go fuck himself.

This person has trauma related to her experiences and this is how it manifests. I’m so sorry you find women looking out for other women “creepy.” You can easily tell if the person you try to converse with is interested or not. It’s not fucking rocket science.

No to play Captain Obvious here, but that person who said you deserved getting your breast twisted for talking to the guy? That person is not your friend.

You’ve gone a long way to try to justify your untrue statement that “As someone who just three days ago saw an exhibit that featured many prints of Moulin Rouge posters, the origin of ballet can be summed up with the necessity for the woman to twirl while lifting one leg straight up in the air, while wearing a short

So the winds of change are finally starting to blow up the tight, fossilized Balanchine ass of traditional NYC classical ballet? Good for Bouder, and i hope she continues to kick ass but over here in the 21st century, 2 of Canada’s 4 big ballet companies have female ADs and Ballet BC’s (AD Emily Molnar) program of 4

yup. Precisely why radical idealist is wrong. FWIW, there are men who dance en pointe, even if the performances are somewhat of a novelty.

“While the ability to twirl with one leg straight up in the air is certainly impressively acrobatic, I don’t get what it is expressing, other than the willingness to do that in front of people.”

Now playing

Well it definitely sounds like you’ve never been to a ballet. Certain moves express romanticism, others anger, others longing. A royal character will not pirouette the same way a young woman character would or an anthropromoriphised character. There are romance tutus, and classic tutus and ballet skirts.

Admire her for stretching the boundaries, but that’s a difficult ask. From its source material to its costumes (pink! tiaras! tutus!), classical ballet is all about male fantasy. (Not really — these women are strong, determined, brilliant athletes, but their job is to end up falling backward into a man’s arms.)

The Moulin Rouge was founded in the 1880s. Ballet dates back to the 1500s and originated in royal courts with floor-length gowns.

“You wear a disguise to look like human guys...”

My insurance does not require a co-pay on birth control (and I have a sky-high deductible, my other monthly prescription costs me almost $300 a month) but randomly gave me 6 months worth when i switched to the one I’m on now. And then they tried to give me a refill the next month.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

No, no, no. Let’s stop this false equivalency bullshit.

That’s kinda assuming and personal. I am fully up on anatomy and the many options available and the safety/efficacy of IUD. I can’t because I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which increases my rejection and failure risk hugely. It sucks I can’t use that option but it’s not for any of the reasons you assumed and it’s not