
People who think things are hilarious are sometimes really, really wrong. I had to prevent someone from publishing in a club newsletter that a club member was pregnant when she was not (and in fact was a childfree person). He thought it would be the funniest thing in the world. After ten minutes of pointed

I think at the time I had just extracted myself from the Science Fiction Book Club (also run by Doubleday). This luckily introduced me to Barbara Hambly but also tricked me into Piers Anthony. Got rid of almost all of those, what a metric ton of hardcovers to deal with. 

Great article, great comments. When it comes to breasts, your mileage may vary on bras. I used to have some pretty awesome Elomi bras for my FF’s, but as my fibromyalgia has gotten worse, I’ve become unable to wear anything with wires. I don’t quite feel comfortable going to work with nothing at all, so I have the

Hmm. I usually add an extra egg to a box mix. But you have intrigued me.

Michele Morrow, one “l” I think.

Or, similarly, go back to community policing, so a subset of police officers get to know the people in a neighborhood — then they know “oh that’s that asshole who wants me to tell people to only BBQ in their back yard,” and “hey, that’s the kid who looks so rough but who takes care of his grandma.” If the police know

Sharon Jones’s music is going to live on and on and on.

This can only be better than the movie they made about her fifteen years ago, which tiptoed around the question of sexual assault and abuse entirely. You got the impression he kidnapped her so she would wash dishes, or something. Smart is a survivor of a horrific experience and I hope they treat her with respect.

Wait, which one is good? You don’t mean the Shirley Temple version?!?

Similar experience: a former employer changed from a local, very good HMO to a national chain insurance with a very limited list of local doctors. I took my horrified self down to HR to complain, but they brushed me off. But after a year the plan was gone... because the CEO’s wife had a hard time getting her care paid

“On a positive note, he didn’t die.” 

I am deeply terrified that they will change the ending of the most spectacular reveal in a mystery story ever.

AND SIMILARLY the pink-tinted heart-shaped York Peppermint Patties are noticeably better than the usual round version. Believe it or don’t.

We eat MORE of them so they never ever get stale.

My pre-ordered copy just came and I can’t wait to read it.

It makes perfect sense to me. A lot of people have this mindset where poor people are “lazy” or “spongers” or “parasites” — in short, they are Bad. They are Morally Deficient. THEREFORE, people who have a lot of money must be “hardworking” or “admirable” or “go-getters” — they are Good! Those really rich people, they

His haircut says “skinhead who wouldn’t commit.”

I really hate what Ballanchine did to this dance. And so many still worship at his altar.

Also fun: getting enough pills if you are doing 9 weeks on pills, 1 week off. I tried this to reduce my migraines; it was pretty awesome; but I couldn’t get the pills when I needed them! I’d go in needing more pills but my insurance would not pay for a refill sooner than 12 weeks. So I had to go back to the usual