Just me

When the Republican Party sends its people, they’re not sending their best - they’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing hate. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good

SERIOUSLY!!?? WHAT THE FU************K?

People. People should be horrified by this man. Gender, Sex, Race, Religion, Creed, or Calling shouldn’t insulate anyone from being nauseated by him.

Trevor Noah nailed this one perfectly: there is a massive difference between using obscene language to talk about your totally consensual sexual experiences and talking about sexually assaulting someone. Is the first one kinda shitty, depending on the situation? Yea. Do your friends probably want you to shut up

Gary Johnson : “ what’s pussy”

I grabbed this gif when Bernie-or-Busters were still a thing, but it’s very all-purpose:

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Fair warning on the Red Cross radio: Make sure you test it before you depend on it for weather alerts. I don’t say this because it might not work, I say this because the factory default volume level on all weather alerts is “Holy shit we are all gonna die” with a side of “levitating out of your bed and skin

Fair warning on the Red Cross radio: Make sure you test it before you depend on it for weather alerts. I don’t say

Has anyone said “this could have been prevented if the husband had a gun as well” yet? I know its coming.

The headline makes it sound like the cops killed her and her kids.

Well, this seems like one police shooting I’m not going to spend time crying over.

A protest vote. You know, like voting third party because Bernie didn’t get the nomination...

My dad was already claiming they’ve become “too liberal” now he is never going to shut up about it.

There are already tons of rapists/murderers/domestic abusers out there...what’s the use making these crimes illegal?

So, Overskyrim?

Well, that’s just what hetero dudes have done for centuries! That’s normal. Trans people peeing next to you tho, that’s yucky.

It’s not a Subaru is it? That would explain everyone pointing and yelling.

Americans couldn’t differentiate Asian 12-year-olds from 20-year-olds anyway. *laughs*

What are you talking about? There is clearly a girl in the back row and ... oh wait, that’s a cardboard cutout of Lightning from Final Fantasy ... Never mind.