Just me

They also tried this with Bear Simulator but you couldn’t give that game away.

Do women spend the bulk of their bathroom breaks with their pants around their ankles staring at each others genitals? I’m a woman and I’ve never done this. Am I just not cool enough to be invited?

Denver needs to build their lead. With Carolina’s potent offense sure to come alive, the Broncos will want some lebensraum.

“Last time I heard someone scream that loudly in German, it was Klaus Kinski trying to kill me.” –Werner Herzog

just too bad you cant play with friends with these mods, is anyone working on making a multiplayer mod to have essentialy your own dedicated server or P2P setup so you and friends dont need to go through rockstars bullshit fun nazi system?

Yeah, obviously we aren’t nearly as different as we like to think we are.

Heh. It’s amazing how we can do impossible things in video games, but simple tasks can be so difficult.

I hope they realize how ironic and pointless adding video uploads is.

So this is how UPS manages to bang up my shit.

Sheriff: we have encountered this man 3 times.

ugh FOOLS. Just bring back the isometric RCT!

Give me 2D RCT any day.

It seems like a decent system, but it won't affect pub toxicity in any positive way. The problem isn't that i'm playing on a team with jerks, its that the game matches me up with random jerks.

I see the glorious Kingdom of the Netherlands has finally annexed Belgium, as they should and our king has rightfully taken over the throne of the once so great Brits. We'll run down those tea-sipping rebels yet! :p

But nice, I will keep an eye on this, seems to be good fun. :D

PS: I know that's not the Netherlands, but