
Good luck to you. You got this.

I highly suggest buying online. I know it’s a catch 22, but the selection of sizes and styles in nearly infinite online, so I actually find it much easier to shop despite my, “irregular” body. I’m a 14/16, 6 feet tall and have a 35" inseam and a huge butt and lower belly but a tiny ribcage. Giant arms and legs, but

Just because you announced your divorce last week does not mean you decided to get divorced last week.

This seems to be the comment du jour, so I’ll say what I said to the other folks, in the hopes it doesn’t offend anyone: Honestly, I still consider it an interracial relationship. Even assuming they are the exact same “kind” of biracial as me, there are still multiple races in a relationship. I’m not saying that’s the

I still think of it as an interracial relationship because there exists more than one race in one relationship. I’m not saying everyone does or should think of it that way, but I do.

Honesty, I still consider it an interracial relationship. Even assuming they are the exact same “kind” of biracial as me, there are still multiple races in a relationship. I’m not saying that’s the only way to see it, it’s just the way I see it.

As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.

There was an Emmy roundtable months ago put out by Vanity Fair with likely female Emmy nominees: Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, Kerry Washington, Viola Davis and the like participated. The comments section (big mistake to read, I know) was filled with the usual “fuck her she’s a fat no-talent bitch ass” we’ve all come to

A day without 30 Rock is no day at all ;)

Naw, just kind of a down in the dumps day. I made it out of bed long enough for yoga and to put half of my laundry away. A victory. And yes! I hold the unpopular opinion that Rebecca Howe is a far superior character to Diane so I’m knee deep in the Rebecca neuroses right now. It’s a shame Kirstie Alley is such a waste

Drinking wine in my bed watching Cheers on Netflix. Finding it increasingly difficult to find any further meaning in existence beyond that.

I am feeling this so hard right now. No advice, just thanks for reminding me I’m not alone!

I think he’s just not sentimental. I feel like there are lots of romances and deep friendships I’ve had in my life where we’re equally into it, but when we move on to the next chapter one of us is like “Remember when?” and the other is like “Yep, good times, gotta run, love you”. I’ve been both people.

No comment on the added irony and stupidity of a wall made of sandbags in the city of Katrina?

I don’t shower daily because I think I’m filthy, I shower daily because it’s the only thing that wakes me up. Yes, it’s conforming to “societal norms” but so is “showing up to work” and “not cheating on your spouse” and “wearing clothing”. Just because it’s a sociatal norm, doesn’t necessarily make it a bad thing.

I posted a similar comment on the Melissa Etheridge story from a few days ago, but now I’d love your opinion:

Honestly, those in the modeling industry and everyone’s favorite armchair internet physicians can say all they want about how “it’s just unhealthy”. While that’s a wildly incomplete sentiment, it’s not entirely without a grain of truth. I, for example, would be healthier at 15 pounds lighter. I won’t argue them one

He doesn’t live in the box, he sleeps in the box. If he had to eat and shit in there and it was outside, then he would be living in the box.

Etheridge’s decision makes a lot of sense to me. I’m a woman in my 30s considering asking a friend to be a donor. A wonderful (talented, smart, handsome, multi-lingual) friend just offered, and I am blown away. It’s something we both need to put more thought into, but I do have this concern. He comes from a

I’ll buy into all this “But we’re worried about their health! It’s promoting an unhealthy lifestyle!” When the same people cry out about every alcohol ad or sitcom/movie that glorifies binge drinking.