
I think it´s a horrible idea. Forcing parents into buying more and more toys just that a kid on a plastic bag smiles and of course their own. I would never go there as a parent.

Lightbulp description ?

Tim Berners Lee should be listen as #1.


I forgot my Bialetti a hundred times and I just had to change the rubber ring. that never affected the taste. to be honest I got 3 Bialettis and I prefer the burnt one. but once the plastic grip melted so I had to throw one away. nice font in the picture though. a friend of mine is typographist and he created a font

It´s like throwing a 2006 Barolo away because of a scratch on the bottle.

Yuri my hero. would be awesome if the video gets translated somehow .

fixed. thank you. it´s hilarious.

please gizmodo, you are a international read website. post videos that can be watched everywhere. greetingz from germany.

I hate this nikon vs. canon thing. they are all great cameras. just because i got nikon lenses i ordered the d800. if it would be canon glass then the 5mk3 would be mine. stop bitchin, get out and take some great pictures.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

I just broke my eyes & Scott Forestal killed himself.

please go and work for apple. except for the cam I agree with all of your points. 15" sounds lovely

I don´t mean to hold that thing onto your ears but to make a call via bluetooth headset. the only serious app for raw is photo smith at the moment but you can just sort pictures but don´t edit them.

what my new iPad needs is 4gb of ram, some far better processor and the ability to handle raw data from a nikon 800. oh and the ability to make a simple phone call

Naaah that would be a little absurd.

And it already includes a algorithm for the new Nikon d800. very impressive and superfast.

you could easily make a software bezel .the front glass goes to the edges anyway. you just need a new place for that home button.

awesome. finally some tech blogger came to that conclusion. can´t wait for that mind reading phones

The reflecting light in the clouds didn't change at all. so no real beam here I would suggest.