Some Kinda Ologist

This actually WAS a softening, just delivered in his usual hateful bluster. It is a clear swerve that he no longer refers to all 11 million illegals being deported post haste — if you listened, it’s “criminals first” and then the “rest of them” at some very far off point in the future, when all the criminals have been

If this isn’t a joke, then you need to get back in touch with your friend Google.

Ok, so I had a bunch of white people telling me how minorities should vote for Bernie because he’s obviously so good for us and why can’t we just realise that??!!

Mods that fix all these problems: November 12

Mods that add spaceships: November 13

Mod that is, in fact, The Elder Scrolls 6: Spring 2016

Obviously you can

And are you SURE that he’s not? He could be a Russian circus performer looking for a better life.

That thing said my 8 year old brother is a 35 year old woman.

Finum Brewing Basket

Finum Brewing Basket

Imagine time traveling to the year is 2009.

Franks apparently believes "millennials" means people who are 1000 years old.

I got knocked out by a sucker punch at a bar, I fell unconscious face first into the ground. When I woke up I was concussed and could not remember what happened. So I said I fell down after being robbed. It wasnt a lie it was what I told my friends because I was half dead. I stuck with that story until I realized