I thought she was great in Underwater for example.
I thought she was great in Underwater for example.
I will believe consequences exist for politicians at this level when I see it. In slightly related news, Do you think that the fact that Jan. 6th happened makes it more or less likely that another capitol storming/insurrection type action will happen again? Did this just illustrate whats possible or are we lucky…
this would not surprise me
I watched the first 2 episodes of Obi-Wan and really liked it. I was excited to see the inquisitors brought into the live action universe and I really liked how all of them were portrayed. I thought Reva was delightfully unhinged and obsessed with power. It was dope.
Not cooperating with the review into decisions and protocols that led to this massive failure will only prolong the enviable disclosure of facts.
How are sexual assault charges not being pursued in this case? When we give people the authority to deprive any citizen of life, or liberty we need to hold those people to a HIGHER standard of behavior than any other citizen. Instead when it comes to police we make excuses and bend over backward to avoid holding…
I do remember the evil leapers but I don’t remember how they explained their ability to time travel. Wasn’t Sam’s project very cutting edge and top secret? who was running the other time machine?
Wasn’t there an episode where he leaped into Al in the present day (1995)?
Hasnt this been changed recently? I remember reading about some changes to the Windows store that stopped the locking games to a particular folder where you dont have acccess. or maybe allowing modding as you see fit?
Games with no pause are some bullshit in 2022. I have kids man. also, even if I didnt have kids, what if I have a front door that sometimes people knock on? Games being brutal to make a point is completely valid but it feels like an unforced error to not respect the fact that the outside world also exists. This goes…
I don’t think it’s quite fair to describe The Mandalorian as something that was stumbled into. After watching the behind the scenes episodes they put together I was blown away by the talent they gathered and the clear vision they had to form something new in the Star Wars universe.
Please keep in mind as you read this that I don’t know shit about business*
I have zero idea how that lawyer thinks this footage exonerates his client. look at the calm way he waits for the car to come up next to him and how he holds the gun below the window level so it inst viable until he lets go with what I have to say looks like what would happen is you strapped a handgun to one of those…
I wonder about this. On one hand I look at the Bethesda deal and MS honored all existing commitments to cross platform availability but then made new IP exclusive and my thought would be they do the same thing here. however COD for example is so huge and makes so much money being everywhere I think it would be…
This guy is for sure a predator in addition to being an asshole of the highest order. His congressional presence is without a doubt a sign of the end-times. I have a question about the speech though. When I watched it and heard him say “eternal souls woven into earthen vessels sanctified by all mighty god and…
like 20 years ago my first real IT job was working at a call center for an ISP. The guy who sat next to me and was hired around the same time as me was on this shit. He told me he only ate raw food which at the time I thought meant raw milk and raw honey and vegetables and what not as he would come in with those items…
no worries, glad to be of some help.
no worries, glad to be of some help.
This is fucking gross but nothing will happen as per usual. Although no one is talking about the implied threat against the current sitting president at the end of this video. Can he get harassed by the secret service or something at least for that shit?
I was able to purchase this without any membership fee by choosing flat rate shipping. The shipping was expensive though and not very fast (obviously they are trying to encourage you to do the stupid free shipping subscription). A quick google search turned up a coupon code though that takes $10 off any order which…
I was able to purchase this without any membership fee by choosing flat rate shipping. The shipping was expensive…
I bought this and was able to get the deal but the site selling it has a weird shipping situation. Flat rate shipping was $9 (for delivery in 2.5 weeks) which in this case was as much as the thing I was buying, they try to get you to subscribe to shipping though for $5 a month you get free shipping on the site. It…
I bought this and was able to get the deal but the site selling it has a weird shipping situation. Flat rate…