
I keep seeing that they didnt say who the new Captain America was at the end of this episode.  But in the credits there are shots of a poster that says something like Cap is Back! along with the name John Walker.  I can’t be the only one who noticed that?

Yo, this batman book looks great!  also, how much does that kid weigh?  how strong would you have to be to hold them up with your arm in that position off the side of a building and your only grip is a rope?  damn.

I read “totally exonerated” in my head in Trump’s voice and I hate you a little bit for that.

I agree.  I kept everyone alive but lost half of the unnamed crew due to this limit.  which really pissed me off.  I am the type who will replay a mission over and over to save a random no name crew member lol.  The worst part is that doing almost any action that caused a game save would forward the ratchet and cause

Maybe I am grossly misunderstanding what this impeachment trial is going to be but why does he need a legal team or legal strategy at all?  I just assumed he was going to (through his lawyers) just refuse to answer any democrats questions and stall out until the vote happens.  Unless he specifically comes out and says

Doesn’t the military typically have more stringent laws than what civilians would normally be subject to?  If any of these folks are active military will they prosecuted by the military justice system?

I forgot to mention UnMatched which I purchased but havent played yet. Its a multiplayer dueling game played with miniatures and cards. the cool thing is they have crazy assortment of characters to choose from and you can play any of them against any other. so you can fight as bigfoot against king arthur, or the

I forgot to mention UnMatched which I purchased but havent played yet. Its a multiplayer dueling game played with

My wife and I just got into Dice Throne which is a great head to head 2-6 player game. It’s a combat game played with dice and cards where your goal is to reduce the other player’s health to 0 using your chosen character’s unique powers. There are 16 characters to choose from across 2 “seasons” of releases. you buy a

My wife and I just got into Dice Throne which is a great head to head 2-6 player game. It’s a combat game played

So I hit up google looking for some of that super awesome chocolate you mentioned that I never heard of. and found this...

Not at all.  The republican leadership in the Senate has proven beyond all doubt that they will take any measures required to stymie any and all legislation supported in anyway by Democratic legislators.  If Biden wants to get anything at all passed, he will need new leadership in the Senate.

I find myself constantly disappointed by the Democrats lack of planning and action.  It seems like all they want to talk about is how terrible the other guy is instead of what they would do to make things better.  Like yeah, I know Trump is a dumpster fire now what are you going to fucking do about it?

It was Thumper’s father who gave that advice along with eating the green part of the clover (not just the blossom) will lead to long ears and big feet. His mother just asked Thumper what did your father tell you this morning?

Anderson taking time to sip some coffee while Dale just unloads into the camera was the best 5 seconds of video I have seen all year.

lol off script. 

So like, does anyone know where a good explainer is for Executive orders?  Can you use them to do anything?  what are the limits?

I see your point. I feel like it’s also a mistake though to pretend that the income of the mega wealthy exists in the same terms you and I look at our own finances. I am of course assuming you are not a billionaire so apologies if I am incorrect. The amount of money I have access to at any given time is about equal to

I promise I am not making a point about the larger issue but when I read your comment that last part seemed like something we could actually test. According to the calculator mentioned in the article Bezos makes 78.5 billion a year. A quick google search says Amazon employed 798,000 people in 2019. Divide and you get

Can I ask a silly question? how does one get elevated out of the pending replies? I occasionally comment on stories in the Gawker media family of sites and I would humbly submit that my comments are always in good faith and try to add to the discussion or bring a little levity. so, how long do I have to continue to be

a mutant who can teleport wouldn’t need to live nearby.  just saying.

Reading this, I am struck by the poise and strength showed by this woman under these circumstances. Also, the officers involved should lose their jobs as well. Her point was 100% correct. once she proved to them she had a room they should have immediately apologized for wasting her time and taken the employee of the