
Trump does shit like this because he knows he can get away with it. No way does a sitting president get removed from office on some bullshit like this. He has made his political career on defying social norms. He does not care what his actions look like to the general public. He has proven that given the right

Siggi’s is that fire son.  Don’t sleep on it.

first and foremost. Missy is a legend and honestly a singular talent (FACTS!) she is so gracious and humble in her acceptance speech you can’t help but to root for her. the stage performance was so awesome. when that one dancer got sucked up into the UFO! damn. also the solo by the lady with the buzz cut was really

Once again, I find myself typing the words: the police need to be held to a higher standard than other professions. Let’s set aside the criminality of this act for the moment. Let’s even set aside the harm it almost certainly caused the man they detained and transported in this despicable manner. If I did something

I have watched this 5 times.  It’s one of the most compelling pieces of video I have ever seen.

fun article about unpopular opinions but albinism is a real condition that real human people have and that section about powder felt like it would be hurtful toward those so afflicted. Possibly I’m reading it wrong but it felt kind of ugly.

Feature request: sometimes I read this at work and cant always play the video. I realize the point was how crazy they were being and that wouldn’t come across as well in words but I would humbly request a transcript anyway. that is all.

just got back from Disney and a 32oz Yeti was the best damn money I spent for that trip.  I also sprung for the flip top straw lid.  that thing was a life saver!  and your suggestion about getting water from the quick services places is confirmed.  I did that constantly and only occasionally had to buy a bottled water

this is my first time seeing a lot of those clips and just holy shit man.  what is even happening in most of them?!

to your point, I wish it were possible to take an fmri of the brain of someone during this type of activity.  

I also have this thing and it rocks.  

I also have this thing and it rocks.  

yes. obviously, yes.  what the hell?

Surfacing this type of fantastic effort is what the internet was made for.  Top notch content!

I appreciate that. I got a little frustrated at the end imagining someone who just couldn’t understand the situation that people of color deal with all day every day.  Ill try to keep the snark to a minimum going forward.

good point and well taken. it’s too late now but going forward Ill try to make any tirades I go on easier on your eyes.

People love to equate casting a non white person in a previously white role to doing the opposite. they are not the same thing for the reason that anyone who argues against this type of thing always seems to forget or be ignorant of...Power. Whiteness has been the default for so long in so many things. If you cast a

Insightful and unfortunately very true.

In my high school the guidance councilors helped you pick your electives for your sophomore year onward.  you could choose what you wanted as long as you had a certain number of maths, sciences, languages and so on.  My senior year, she suddenly realized that I didn’t have nearly enough math credits to graduate.  I

Does it say more about me of FOX News that when I first read her quote I thought she was denying that the President said he was delaying the ceremony and not that his denial was false...

I get the point you’re trying to make but think of it this way.  Chic-fil-a isn’t just a cheerleader for heterosexual marriage.  They are actively supporting work to deny homosexual couples the right to be married.  So to say they “support” heterosexual marriage doesn’t tell the whole story.  It’s homophobic because