
They apparently aren’t worth squat here in Seattle. Here’s a 62,000 mile example for $2600:

Not true, parking around the Seattle Center is often a nightmare for large events so it’s a lot easier for me to park downtown and take the monorail to the Center. Sure I could also take a bus but come on, it’s a freaking monorail!

My dad had a 1950 Talbot-Lago with a pre-selector transmission back in the ‘70s. It never worked all that well and it was probably the main reason he sold it as there was no one at the time that knew a thing about it.

Could you reduce the chances of an explosion with external cooling? Since these chemicals are in containers I wonder if it would be possible to drop large quantities of dry ice on them in the hopes that would stabilize things enough for people to come in and repair the generators without an explosion risk? Trying to

Now playing

I’m going to go another direction and say that it’s Micheal Schumacher’s final 40 laps of the 1994 Spanish Grand Prix which he drove with only 5th gear and despite having to make a pit stop he managed to finish 2nd! This isn’t the push-your-car-to-the-edge sort of drive but something that took an extreme amount of

There are a couple for sale locally for reasonable prices. I was looking at the CL ad for one yesterday and was thinking “hmm, for that price, maybe I should...” :-). Unfortunately with seven cars at home I’m not sure I have space even for the tiny Pao.

Such a wonderful touching story! The only time I’ve ridden (along with my now-wife) in a WWII Army Jeep was, of all places, on the grounds of the Technical Museum of Vadim Zadorozhny in Moscow Russia. It was great fun as the driver raced us along the roads on the grounds of the museum and though the rows and rows of

In 1994 I went to Maranello to visit a friend that had somehow with no prior experience had managed to wrangle a job with the Ferrari F1 on the strength of his programming prowess. Since he had to work all day I amused myself by seeing the local sights including of course the Ferrari museum. What I remember most about

Hey don’t knock 50-year-olds, I was telling folks how the world wide web was going to change the world back in the day that if you didn’t subscribe to the Usenet group alt.hypertext you likely had never heard of it. Sure a lot of my contemporaries are cavemen when it comes to technology (one just bought his first cell

I find this surprising because I would have expected that Fernando Alonso’s entry would have increase viewership. Speaking just for myself this is the first time in years I watched the 500 before I watched the Monaco GP and the first time in even longer that I watched the entire 500 live in real time rather than

I hope you don’t have one of the seatbelt-less ones with only a shoulder strap attached to the door and a “knee bar” that is supposed to keep you in place in a collision. That was a bit like wandering around naked because you knew in a collision you were toast.

My dad had this 8x10 photo in his collection when he passed away. In 1937 when it was taken he was a photographic officer (and a pilot) on a ship that occasionally put in at Pearl Harbor where he was later stationed (thankfully for him he left the service in 1940 and joined United Airlines). I have no idea if he was

At the time I was upset that GM borrowed the Corvair’s name for what was a glorified Vega but it does stand out now. That said I’d much rather own a Corvair Monza Spyder.

You’re looking at Tesla like it’s a stand-alone auto company but it really has motor in common with web startups like Amazon and huge vertically integrated Japanese conglomerates than a 20th century car company. You’re also making an assumption that these companies are designed to maximize short-term profits rather

You just need to choose the right car! :-)

Or she’ll do things the Russian way and simply embezzle the money :-).

I assume that you are too young or never had the chance to fly extensively during the times before the airlines were deregulated but back then this sort of thing would be extremely unlikely to occur because flights were rarely full as the number airlines serving a given route were regulated as were to a certain extent

Hopefully she will get her car replaced, insurance claims are nowhere near as easy in Russia as they are in America since the court system is usually involved.

Once while chatting with a flight attendant I opined that the solution to the problems the industry is having is to re-regulate them. She put her hand on my shoulder and said “Thank you”, thankful that at least one person out there realizes that the “free” market isn’t serving either the customers or the employees of

Now that they are expanding more to California and the east coast hopefully the rest of the country will get a taste of why those of use from the northwest swear by Alaska Airlines. Top-notch service of course but the best thing is the lack of attitude, you really do get the idea that they are there to help you rather