50mph is the max speed. Less than 10mph closing speed from 30-50mph and 5mph under 30mph.
50mph is the max speed. Less than 10mph closing speed from 30-50mph and 5mph under 30mph.
GM has been on a tear, profit wise, lately. Makes me wonder if the layoffs are just priming the pump for the their new tariff-laden reality.
So question: I know back in ancient times (2000s) AEM got in trouble with a part and the EPA/CARB made them disclose who bought them and then went after the people that bought said part and used it on a street driven vehicle.
This is probably the documents that Trump sold.
That’s the thing, he’s big into social justice causes. We get Juneteenth off as a paid holiday. I am betting he voted Democrat. I think he’s just not very good at his job.
Where I work, everyone got pay cut due to the tariffs. It was later restored with the CEO basically telling everyone that they were able to offer “raises” that year. It just got us back to where we were 3 years prior.
The Confederate battle flag attempted ban falls into this bucket as well.
And so many more mainstream views and coverage than anything else that happens in NASCAR.
Is there any data to support that MJ brings more eyes to NASCAR? I find that anyone that follows MJ likely doesn’t care about NASCAR. When he was running his AMA team, there was a momentary bump in interest, but that was it.
Ran a Turbodyne electric supercharger on our FSAE car back in 2000. It was a unit that was sold to be retrofitted to diesel busses to bridge the gap until the regular turbo spooled up to help with emissions. Had a little DC brushless motor that spun to 60k rpm and made 3-4 psi of boost on out CBR600F2 engine. We…
Worth noting that the 3 individuals that I used as examples were all white.
I have VW money, but not Porsche money...
I am a hiring manager and I look for the best person. I really do not care about their personal decisions,
I like the ID7. It’d be cool for VW to sell the only BEV station wagon in the US. I’d buy one. Seriously, I would. Don’t make me do it VW!
The 17" wheeled FTR > the 19" wheeled FTR.
My uncle worked at the Long Beach plant for McDonnell-Douglas, then Boeing before they shut it down. He was speaking out during the merger that this was a huge antitrust issue. It started as a “merger of equals” type arrangement, but it became readily apparent that Boeing just wanted the military contracts and planned…
Life for Boeing executives is starting to get really uncomfortable as the plane maker struggles to get past the work stoppage.
They do a very healthy 24/7 business serving the truckers. There’s always 15-20 trucks parked in their lot at any time day or night.
Agreed. However, people mostly cite some sort of anxiety about charging as the reason they are hesitant in buying an EV. Tesla has the best network by a wide margin and yet vehicle sales continue to slow.
When your wealth depends on the stock price and he has shown again and again that he can over-promise to pump the price, you’re going to stick with him, sound financials be damned.