
But, but, according to their lobbyists, dealerships are there to protect the consumer!

Valid points but there are so many low mile Model 3s out there that the used price is insanely low.

Remember when Superman threw all the nukes into the sun?

Insurance is going to total that thing because:

Star for Happy Fun Ball reference.

This is how we get Skynet...

The fact that this man got a 45% RAISE should be enough to tell you that just because the shareholders think it is a good idea, it sometimes is not.

I saw the Hyundai N Vision 74 has been copied in next week’s update in Grand Theft Auto Online. Timeless...

I installed a hitch on my Model 3. Since mine was an earlier build, it didn’t have the little removable panel to access the hitch in the rear under-tray.

Yes. Yes he was.

Give him a free CyberTruck and a few million and send him packing.  Maybe getting rid of him will help their sales?

Yeah, it seems weird for a police department to pass up a potential revenue stream like that. Think of all the MRAPs they could buy!

We saw something similar in AZ when the legislature refused to fund education per rules of a passed ballot initiative. They got sued and lost each time all the way tot he state supreme court. After losing their final appeal, they still refused. It took a teacher walkout and mass protests at the capitol to even bring

“Snake on a Plane”

5-0 needs to lay off the donuts. Can we get these guys a gym membership?

Take your star!

FTR: It’s the old flat-track styled one that handles weird. Once they put 17s on the FTR, it was much better.

$16500 for the MR2 and you can’t even bother to vacuum the floor mats? C’mon.

I was talking about this with a friend last night.  We were trying to name all the weird and wild stuff GM put out in the 90s and 2000s because they could.  I saw one on the way into work today: G6 hardtop convertible...  I mean why?!

I really thing Ram is on to something with the RamCharger.  Too bad we have to wait until after the REV comes out.