
After several crashes when I started, I was able to run my model railroad for sometimes an hour before scale catastrophe.  Perhaps the solution is remote operated trains piloted by children.  Some of them may even do it for free.  I know I would have...

I do think one of the keys is getting a US rider back on the grid, or having a larger than life personality like Rossi, or both.

They did do that. The Focus/Fiesta ST and the Focus RS were awesome cars. No one bought them.

Regarding the Cosworth... Silicon not Silicone.

I love the Type 4.  The FI is an issue, but then it is on every 70 car.  Mechanically though, it is superior in every way to the Type 1.

Came to say this. “Stewardess” isn’t a thing. What if a male flight attendant had shown up? This guy’s head would explode.

How does it compare to the Serial 1?

When the CEO’s compensation is based on stock price, what did they think the outcome would be? The company I work for posted a $20 million 4th quarter loss after buying $750 million in stock through 2023. That loss was used to justify suspending annual raises. CEO had a $43 million compensation package in 2022. I

Regarding the slogan, keep in mind Bibi used similar words:

Zero. And that goes for both the Hamas version of the slogan and Netanyahu’s.

You say they’re doing “everything possible”, but then follow that with a statement implying that more could be done.

“The IDF does everything possible to limit civilian casualties in Gaza.”

The camera thing reminds me of the state speed cameras in AZ. At Christmas of the first year, police were looking for a guy dressed as Santa that was putting gift-wrapped cardboard boxes over the cameras.

We may not be able to offer answers, but just knowing you’re not alone might help.

Welcome to the asylum.

In the animated series last year, it was established that Mogwai are magical creatures, so science may not fully explain their dietary needs.

I feel like there should be government funding devoted to this problem. I mean, if we are not going to cure cancer, this should be next on the list.


It looks like this was settled last year.

No charging after midnight.