Go to Hungary. Nearby camping. Great views from GA patch of grass. Great people. Cheap tickets (comparative). You can probably go to Hungary and all in be cheaper than going to Vegas.
Go to Hungary. Nearby camping. Great views from GA patch of grass. Great people. Cheap tickets (comparative). You can probably go to Hungary and all in be cheaper than going to Vegas.
Right? That was my first thought. Car steering geometry is heavily optimized for going forward, so much so you’re literally on a knife-edge steering wise when going in reverse at high speed.
You shoulda asked Chase about his drift car... 240SX with a Q45 engine.
Not sure. Knowing what I know about city agencies though, a lot of times things get done when they have resources available. Maybe the Wednesday before the race those resources are booking OT for other things like traffic control, etc.
I mean for all he spent on that stuff, he probably could have gotten a nicer trim on his truck.
I’ve been on those bridges on a holiday weekend, they’re packed. They were put in to get rid of the pedestrian crossings and help with traffic on the Strip. Personally, I think it is just LVPD not wanting people camped on them or staking out spots for a week prior to the race and also keeping the foot traffic moving…
I own a Tesla and I’m with skeffles here. Adopting a plug standard and leveraging a charging network controlled by a competitor seems like it would be ripe for said competitor to just one day turn off access as he wishes should it suit his whim or for competitive advantage.
True. I cannot imagine what the challenges are to starting a union from scratch vs. going under an existing umbrella.
It’s about time. Why the C-line (Green Line) didn’t have a stop at LAX in the first place seemed like a huge miss.
So the 22LR is the Sportster of bullets?
The Green line in LA gets ever so close to LAX then makes an abrupt left to Redondo Beach. Same reason... cab companies and airport shuttle services. Lame.
Worth noting that at the VW plant in Tennessee, VW was in favor of unionization. One of the reasons given was that they are simply used to dealing with collectives in their plants in Europe. TN politicians came out against going union and spent tons of money on that front. The vote to go union failed. To me that is a…
It is worth repeating your last point there.
Our Mohave (MoMAGA) County supervisors just passed a moratorium on granting permits for new grid feeding solar and wind projects. We are in one of the sunniest parts of the country and the wind blows all the time.
This plus a Model 3 Performance might make a fun rally Tesla...
The price drops drive down the used prices as well.
I had a 1974 914-2.0 back in my college days. Worst car to own for a broke college student. What I wouldn’t give to have that car now.