Han's Solo Playtime

This IS that astronaut love triangle story. I’m not sure why they are speculating a “workplace-sexism revenge” story. It’s definitely the crazed astronaut wearing a diaper story. From Wikipedia: “The film is loosely based on astronaut Lisa Nowak’s criminal activities around her romantic involvement with fellow

I’m surprised by Trump’s interpretation on this. The darker horse won, but then after an appeal on technical grounds, the judicial system declared the lighter colored horse - far less qualified according to oddsmakers - the winner. You’d think Trump would be on board.

It was drastic enough that I - who watches at most three horse races a year on average - noticed in real time.

I’ve seen horses DQed for way less egregious infractions than that. Cutting off two other horses and forcing them entirely out of contention in a race is absolutely worth a DQ.

This guy talks so confidently about “the spirit of the rule” in a sport he only follows three times a year.

It was 100% the correct call. He impeded multiple horses swinging from the 2 position out to the 4 then back to the 1 and 2. It’s a DQ 100% of the time and it’s not even close. 

The Eddie Alvarez fight was nice, but Jose Aldo is an aging once star. Eddie just fought a war against Justin Gaethje, who is hardly an elite fighter. Conor is really good, a great oppurtunist, and a superstar in the sport, but I don’t think he holds a candle to Khabib, Tony, Holloway, or any champion right now. He

“Jerry Rodshoffer. 945 Summit St.

I could listen to Vin read the phone book. Cheers to Vin.

There are too many shows on TV. Too many shows! Who can watch all of these shows? I can’t watch all of these shows.

I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.

I saw a tweet yesterday by some credulous dumbass that, more or less, went “To give McGregor no chance is absurd. Floyd has never fought anyone with his precision and power...”

I’m rooting for a meteor strike.

They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.

Cabins are typically pressurized to 8,000 to 9,000 feet. As someone who lives at 7,000 feet above sea level, I can attest that visitors are wildly more impaired at altitude and that it does seem about twice as potent. It doesn’t change blood alcohol level, but just like altitude itself impairs thinking, heart rate,

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.