
Shoulder/hip width ratios are not really a good way of sexing skeletal remains...They would be useful in Vivo...but not in a sketon...The shoulder blades do not have the same attachment and relationship to the spine as the hip bones do (shoulders kinda float over the back ribs on muscles and tendons) So figuring out

‘Guy’s...Can you check....I think the left front is 1.5 psi low? “

Nod...I was ready to get all outraged over them mistreating the cats for entertainment...Watched it, and saw cats being ass-cats...and all was good :)

That is one heck of a lot more impressive .

Was born and raised there...didnt touch an automatic until I was 30 ish, and pretty much everyone I knew drove stick... :) I guess everyones mileage varies:)

Not appropriate here :) It’s in the UK...most cars are stick shift.

Interviewer: So Mr Carson, in your post impeachment autibiography, you claim that the reason you launched the thermonuclear assault on the Chinese/Russians, Islamic State/North Korea/Rest of the World was that your comment “Shoot , they didn’t mean nothing” got misinterpreted by your staff, when what you actually

Probably shoot first if current , documented, behaviour is their response.

I find this story very sad....for the women involved, and also the guys who refuse this....Giving pleasure whilst making love has always been, for me, the most pleasurable thing...and frankly, a guy can give way more pleasure to a lady using fingers and toungue than “conventional” sex. A single orgasm, for both


It looks pretty gruesome, and was a pretty risky procedure (as were any surgical procedures at the time) But surviving a trepannation was quite frequent. I worked at a University Anatomy dept in the UK...and in their museum there were a number of skulls showing a trepannation had been performed, and some of those

Even if it was freefall, you would not suddenly find yourself floating in mid air....You and the elevator will be accelerating downwards at the same rate (9.8 meters per Gravity)

Could have been worse...They might have had to try it in an MRAP.

I think that is what the ground ordinance (bombs) were intended for...before GTFo became the priority...right?


I hope like heck he never has to get out of there in a hurry....that does not look like the quickest of emergency escape route :)

Issued every time they need to drive...but hey...Re qualifying is easy for Russians :)

Anti gravity Cat’s got the toast strapped on its back...butter side up...aint worried about falling :)

1.5 pounds off in the left rear I reckon...