And now, introducing, bottles that leak twice as much!
And now, introducing, bottles that leak twice as much!
@gibson_se: The only issue is that the plastic that is used in disposable bottles is not approved for continued use. Supposedly they leach synthetic estrogen into the beverage if they get too old.
Yup. It sucks. But you know what, it was inevitable. The internet is a privately owned (albeit not organized) thing, and as such, it is subject to the laws of economics. Sure, we can bitch, sure we might be able to get a law passed that might have some actually intelligent legislation (series of tubes : yeah…
@Angelia M Fenton: Hmm, it's almost like they don't want you to give you something for free or something...
@geolemon: Pay no attention to the man behind the man behind the curtain.
@symmetriad: Bender staring in "Beer-ited Away"
Number 1 doesn't look shopped. :-D
@serenada: Because fighting for "equal" rights for one group is inherently flawed: it means getting rights for that group leaving rights for others behind, which results in UNequal rights.
@Go VolsVolsZela: For nearly a decade Apple has been all but flawless. Then, a few months ago, I noticed a change; the accidental leak of the iphone4, the imbroglio with flash and the ipad, the problems with wifi at their demo, issues with adhesive and antennae with the same device. These all seem to mirror the…
@stre: AAAAAhhh. My bad.
@GirlLibrarian: So why isn't it called equalism? or Femanism? The name of a thing is very important.
That doesn't look like an inch.
@drmrw: These are the droids we're looking for.
@KryptonZero: When someone else is doing the work, people tend to do useless crap and call it meaningful. Take the America right now, but substitute outsourcing to asia for the last 30 years with outsourcing to robots. What do you get? Same outcome: a country made up mostly of people content to watch reality…
...So this article is a jab at what the ny times considers a tech article?
@tipTI: Get used to it. They're in a downward spiral. Something is wrong inside apple and it's starting to show.
@WestwoodDenizen: Where is that promise?
@tealfixie: Close but not quite. It's the same as solid wax and plasticized wax. Melted is when the material is a liquid, which is a different state of matter from solid in that it will deform to fill whatever shape object it is in if given enough time while in that phase (IE without cooling down).
@FriarNurgle: It might actually be able to recognize signs, ask if you're alright, and if you say no, call for help.