
Than every before? Really. Do you guys even have editors anymore? I have noticed a definite upswing in errors.

@Alex Paul: I agree. That is an excellent strategy! Caveat: It encourages Apple to say no out of the store purchases at all.

You don't care about Amazon's profits, but what about if [read: when] Apple decides that all blogs must go through their blog reader, and the only ads allowed are the ones that go through their system?

@fryhole: Thanks for backing me up everyone!

@Akio Morita: Yeah I am going to have to stop reading on the site, I was using io9 today and it was really painful.

I don't like your company, but I wish you well sir. Get better.

@Bant: Electric Burger: Well if it is like glass, then it will get rather flexible as it warms, then it will just start to slump (that's actually the technical term).

@StyxaT: Well that makes sense too. Occam can be a real bitch sometimes.

The two flash LED's are interesting. Some progress has been made on creating 3d models of something (like a face) by illuminating it twice from different points and comparing the shadows.


Oh Noooooo! I love delicious! I've got my bookmarks from the last 4 years in there.

@jwong1992: If you end up rocking this, Please model it for us here at Giz. Also, mod that sucker like a true geek!

@rathat: Thank you. I am so sick of hearing that.

I am SO on the in flight WiFi RIGHT NOW! Seems pretty ok, although it is 1 AM.

@Darth Meow 504: Thank you sir for your reasonable and thought out statement. I agree with you on both counts. This is monopoly territory Apple is treading in.


You're missing one more very crucial new deciding credential for planethood: a swept clear orbit.

@Byronotron: Seriously. It doesn't seem believable at all that Nolan would do something that requires quite so much suspension of disbelief. His batman universe is supposed to be the real world right? Clayface is not.