
To be fair, I believe that the reason Jon left GG was to focus more on his own work rather then any disagreement towards Arin. However, I think we should be more concerned about the fact that Jon wrote an article for Breitbart about “SJWs” and has been making right-wing extremist twitter rants I think

Hey Kirk! Animator here, although I’m by no means an expert and I’m not involved with Horizon in any way so I have no concrete insight into the development of this animation flourish.

Every time someone on Twitter tries to score “points” by taking a shot at Patton via his wife I want to hunt them down and shake them to death like rag dolls.

Yes, isn’t it crazy to think that we, in the most prosperous nation in the world, at the most prosperous moment of human history, might spread our prosperity around to all people instead of hoarding it in Panamanian banks? SO WEIRD.

If people declare at my funeral that I was a warrior for social justice I will consider myself honored to be placed in the company of so many amazing people.

Here’s a fun fact, nobody who you’d call a “SJW”, otherwise known as “having some basic form of empathy for other people”, is actually insulted by that word. This is because making up a word to insult someone with doesn’t work because only the person who’s saying the insult would actually be insulted by that word.

Yeah at least back then we were banded against a common enemy. Then the assholes started attacking women and minorities for having the audacity to want to have representation in video games.

Actually, you could. You could have simply skipped the article, but you didn’t. You clicked, AND you commented. That’s significantly more than not caring one bit.

That’s funny because I’ve seen lots of instances of white people being downright disrespectful to pigs and yet they manage to come out alive. I’ve seen cops coddle gun toting white motherfuckers and take them in alive. I’ve seen armed white people storm a police station and they cops are trying to figure out what to

I’ll say that I believe him when he is saying that he personally harbors no anti-Semitic feelings, but it still dumb and I don’t think its out of line for him to suffer some blow-back for it. A dumb idea is a dumb idea. I wouldn’t go into a predominantly black neighborhood and start quoting Blazing Saddles dialogue,

I don’t think mocking a head of state is really very similar at all to calling for the extermination of minorities, But Thats Just Me, Probably

It’s not political correctness, it’s respect and human decency. People need to grow the fuck up.

That seems to be the go-to method for edgelords:

The context argument is important, I absolutely understand that. I also understand the whole, “you’re causing these words to have power,” argument.

Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.

So the “edgy” or “non-PC” schtick is pretty common now right? So it’s hardly original. It seems more of a crutch for a lack of content. Sadly, it gets the views I guess.

So advisers to the President shouldn’t look at who they’re retweeting, and they should lie to the public about what they tweet?

Because she lied and said she didn’t retweet it.

Fold, don’t wad. You can get away with two squares this way with halfway decent TP.