
Fuckin’ Caleb... There was always a Caleb when I was in school and he was always a dick.

This! It’s absurd how often this kind of condescending crap gets thrown about as if it’s some sort of wise insight. This generation has a lot of leftists; that’s good. Even if you buy into the ridiculous concept of The Golden Mean, American politics have shifted so far to the right that anyone arguing against leftists

The first and only kombucha I ever tried made me dry heave the second it touched my tongue. It was legitimately the worst thing I’ve ever tasted in my life. For two hours after, no matter how much water I drank, the slimy feeling and taste of rot and death clung to every surface of my mouth like fur on a rat. I can

It’s definitely a flat quality of life upgrade, no question. Some people seem really squeamish about defying American butt-tradition though, for whatever reason.

The model I bought sprays a narrow cone at a specific angle. All you need to do to make sure you get full coverage is wiggle around a little. You have full control over what gets hit, basically. After that, a bit of drying with some toilet paper and you’re fresh and ready to go.

Just... stop acting like this. It’s not hard. In fact, it’s very easy!

I got one of those dirt-cheap bidets myself, actually! Frickin’ life changer, I’m never going back. Well worth the absurdly low cost.

We’ve become accustomed to games only having special challenges that almost any player could complete in the hopes of appeasing the “100% completion” crowd. I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing (accessibility is laudable), but it has made it difficult to have truly rare achievements (lowercase “a”)—

Could... could you link the spreadsheet article?

I’m attracted mostly to femininity in any gender but wouldn’t pass up lumberjack dick if I dug the person it was attached to (if I had enough self-esteem to have sex at all). I guess you could call me pansexual leaning towards femme attraction. Don’t experience a lot of romantic desire, though.

Come on, New York. I’m rolling in anxiety over here. Just DO IT.

“Hey, who left this cup he—

Kinda feel like I’m stating the obvious here, but isn’t deportation the Republican goal? They’ll kick the can, as you say, but ultimately I think they want to be able to say “oh we triiied to be reasonable but ehhh what can you do” while at the same time getting rid of folk that make them uncomfortable with their

I’m thinking of recipes.

I’m just... very, very sad. I still get angry, I still make calls to my reps, I still write e-mails, all that, I just...

I think I’ve used the word like twice in my life in that context. The first time I was a dumbass teenager, the second time I was using it ironically to demonstrate my scorn for that kind of shit talk.

Unless it’s all lettuce, I can’t afford to eat that quantity of veggies and fruit. The bulk of my diet is carbs like rice or pasta because they’re cheap! Believe me, I love veggies and fruit, I’d be eating them all the time if I could. As for now, they’re a “when I can manage it” food.

Maybe hoping to flee association with the administration before a hammer drops?

Maybe it’s not normal to feel this, but I have no sentimental attachment to the Santa myth. I don’t see the value in it. I think it’s much more valuable to have a time that emphasizes giving and sacrifice for your loved ones than a season that hypes up some magical man who flies by animal-power in an antiquated wooden