
Imagine that your entire setting and all events thus far have reinforced over and over again the idea that the battle is hopeless, or that you can’t fight fate no matter how hard you try. Or maybe your characters are vicious, evil adventurers slaughtering their way through the world and, in the end, receiving their

Well sure, plot immunity is bad. And by all means, characters are going to die now and then doing something so ridiculously dangerous as adventuring. I’m speaking of TPKs, primarily. In most cases a TPK is the end of the adventure; that’s it, story’s over, so sad. If you’ve spent months or even years playing and

May as well just write a book at that point. I’ll never understand train conductors.

Most players seem to go a sort of morally schizophrenic phase for a while before they reign it in. Torture, insane boasting and other things of that sort are typical.

Topic-adjacent: I’ve been considering running an ongoing game over Skype for several months now. I would need several weeks to prepare (not gonna put the work in until I’m sure it’ll get used) and 3-5 players with at least one free day every week or so. Any interested parties?

TPKs should happen when the narrative demands it or when most people involved feel it was justified. If your group is full of people being arrogant or suicidally overconfident, a TPK may be justified even without their approval, but ideally you don’t have a group like that in the first place.

Sandra Long you are my hero.


“Right to work” laws are fucking terrible. And by the way, whoever named the fucking policies was an expert at false spin.

...dear god in heaven.

I hate feet. That being said, I got a weird semi-orgasmic buildup when my attention was drawn to the possibility. Weird.

F—... Fronch!?

Keeping it going. What the hell is a Le Boulanger?

I actually live on the east coast, and Google revealed to me that there’s an Au Bon Pain not twenty minutes from where I am right now. I suppose it’s just because I’ve been broke for so many years that I just stopped going out to new places.

I’m tempted to ask “what the hell is an Au Bon Pain”, but I’ll just refrain from being a smart-ass and Google it.

Early 90’s R&B duo “X-Styles” was a mixed bag due to much of their later material favoring rehashed beats and confusingly dull lyrical content. Lots of great singles though.

Regardless of motivation, it’s nice to have a boss that actually cares enough to take measures to prevent injury.

It says something about the state of wage work that absolutely none of these stories surprised me. Zip. Nada. Zilch. All I could do was sigh and nod.

I wouldn’t bet against you on that.

My favorite.