
I want to know what their basis is for 0.05 and 0.08 to begin with. I'd love to volunteer to drive around a parking lot obstacle course at sober, 0.05, 0.08, and 0.15 to have them measure my ability to perform the task of driving.

Ok so I just remembered this actually happened to me a couple months ago. I was driving in Michigan's UP just past the Mackinaw bridge. The roads were getting extremely bad. I had been driving somewhat aggressively most of the trip and even I started to slow down. After I slowed down a car I had just passed

Think to myself i'm glad I left enough room to the car in front of me. I also process where the cars are around me (which I'm already aware of) and react accordingly. If there's a car tailgating me I'm likely to brake onto the shoulder and let the moron behind me eat it. If I have room behind me I'm going to apply

Resistance is futile. I can't believe nobody has nominated the Borg Army.

Oddly enough despite hoping the Yankees never get another base hit and never win another game I actually respect Girardi and Rivera. Can't respect the gift basket Captain though.

You have to add Venom GT to that list. I would also like to make the case that the P1 will belong on that list as well. You might also be able to argue the Atom V8 Supercharged could go on the list.

I was coming in here to tell Orlove he was wrong. And then one of the points i was going to make was how a car can't be a sports car and be on the race track when I realized the point was that the cars on the race track are sports cars. The Camaro, Corvette, 911, 458, R8, and what not seen in ALMS and Grand-Am are

Right. I agree their replacements aren't very appealing, but that's what happens when you sell the farm system for trade deadline deals and make ridiculous contract offers that pay people 20mil when they're old enough to live in a nursing home. I think the Yankees have 6 or 7 players on their roster making more than

I'm disappointed. I was expecting a more scathing article on his stupidity. I was looking forward to this article today. I hope the comments deliver.

You mean that while being a parent you've decided to write a book about being a parent. That means enough interesting stuff goes into being a parent you can write a book about it? Again... not boring. Horrible job? yes. Boring? No.

I'd like to request this be photshopped with the Will Power double barrel. She's got nothin on him.

You mean a who has been of who once weres on the DL? I'll give you Granderson and Tex are probably still solid, but Granderson still strikes out a lot and Tex was ok last year. ARod being injure is a blessing not a curse. Jeter was supposed to be done 2 years ago and had a great year last year. You might get the

How on earth can you say being a lawer/paralegal, parent, or soldier is boring? A horrible job? Sure. Boring? That would mean at the end of the day there is never a story to tell about something stupid that happened that day. No child would let your life be boring. No criminal is ever smart. Getting shot at

I did spend a week and a half in LA and found the traffic there to be no big deal. Sure the highways were busy and at times stop and go, but it wasn't bad. That included a trip from northern LA to San Diego at about 5pm. That took a while at times, but the carpool lane was my friend.

I have a 2 minute commute to work.

There is 1 and only 1 functional use I can come up with for self-driving vehicles. Traffic flow on the interstate/freeway.

Dumb friend films dumb kid trying to kill himself.

I hate this Gross guy. "Under-hyped revolution in the making." W T F ? DRIVING IS AWESOME. Why would we want the cars to drive us!? Isn't there a Japaense anime series called Sevens or something like that that's about this very thing? I remember thinking how awful it would be if driving was outlawed and only the

I read the previous word as "possibly" instead of posibility. After re-reading I agree for is the correct word.

Per The Detroit News, Audi is aggressively rolling out production in the Americas with a new plant in Mexico and the possibility for facilities elsewhere.