
The problem with GT5 is that it has crap for online. If it didn't fail miserably to be fun online I'd completely say the cynics have nothing to complain about. However, single player doesn't entertain many people any more. So I ditched console racing altogether and started PC sim racing. iRacing makes GT and Forza

ah lol. See... I've never ever used google earth.

I... I... I just don't know what to think of this. Part of me is going this is totally BS. Another part of me knows it is plausible that the cat was born with birth defects. I wonder if you put cat nip on a scratching post if it would have a nervous breakdown?

Yeah I actually don't have a problem with that unless I've got to be somewhere and they have probable cause.

Unless you're doing something illegal why do you care? I also have to side with the LEOs regarding the idea that they're already able to do this manually. Certainly not to this degree, but it is still something they're able to do.

Other than Will Power none of the Indy Car drivers could compete with the sharp end of the F1 grid, but the majority of the grid could compete with anyone else in the field. You're kidding yourself if you think everyone who paid their way into F1 is that good.

I would disagree on that. It is used defensively to help negate the DRS, but a full discharge on a long straight still leaves you about 15kph slower at the end of the straight.

There were a couple F1 races last season that I remember thinking that was the best F1 race I ever saw. The problem is none of them were memorable enough for me to remember what races they were.

If the cars are equal how can you say the drivers can't show their talent? Isn't that how they show their talent?

I think you need to look at things this way. In an era where the cars are pretty much all equal and the driving talent is pretty much equal a parade isn't going to sell tickets or generate TV ratings.

The biggest reason it didn't seem necessary IMO was because of Sato's worn firestone reds. He ran the last 38 laps on the same set of tires. Then Newgarden became a bit of a sitting duck after he destroyed his tires trying to get by Sato. Add to that the variety of strategies in play and you had cars lighter on

Not sure you can really argue that it creates artificial passing when all cars have equal amounts of push to pass. It isn't like F1 where only the trailing car gets the DRS and KERS isn't powerful enough to create an advantage if 1 driver uses it and the other one doesn't.

All you F1 fanbois need to realize the talent in Indy Car right now is the best talent they've ever had. The reality is most of these guys are better than all but the most talented drivers on the F1 grid.

Race control recognized racing and didn't give any stupid blocking penalties or avoidable contact penalties. In a land that is usually full of penalties, seeing actual racing was a refreshing and welcome change. there were no stupid cautions for "debris," which was actually a solo cup in the stands that needed more

The race this weekend really was epic. The last 10 laps literally spiked my heart rate and had me sitting on the edge of my seat. Originally I had been flipping between Oceans Thirteen and the Indy Car race. When Will Power went up in flames (my favorite driver) I was a bit ho-hum about if I wanted to keep watching

Porsche's thread disappeared. This was my reply to your P2P question

I blew a crank shaft

With the advancement in safety I think NASCAR believes their cars and drivers are bulletproof. The last fatality was Dale Sr and he had an open faced helmet and no HANS device. I have a feeling that the accident that killed Dale Sr. could have happened at almost any track in almost any set of circumstances and don't

Because Crayola F1

Faith in humanity increasing. We need a daily dose of good news. Just like Hoon of the Day, QOTD, and AOTD have become Jalop staples we need a daily dose of good news. Now I can go home tonight and share a good story instead of a story about something someone did in Florida.