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Here it is in glorious HD. Man: 1, Roo: 0.

That nice helping of humble pie a girl served made the whole show worth it.

I agree. Sam’s death was foreshadowed all season, as was his mother’s. She had spent most of the season catering to him giving into fear, and dies because his fear takes over and she can’t deal with it. It also was closing the door on the “old” Alexandria, fulfilling a story purpose also shown by Gabriel and Morgan

Your review makes it seem like you checked out right after seeing a child suffer a horrific death. I don’t see the depth and analysis that I’m used to reading in your reviews. My guess is you’re a parent. I find it interesting how much more these types of scenes affect my coworkers that have children. That’s not a bad

I really don’t see how you can blame the European Union for the writing decisions made in Star Wars.