
So at what point in all of this is the lane change indicator light going off? Hitting the switch to change lanes means that the blinker doesn’t go off (or perhaps gives a limited signal to other drivers) before the lane change occurs.

Wouldn’t this increase liability?

Does grafting piss you off as well?

The other issue is that GMOs, with proper funding and public development, could help in a lot of different areas. Rainbow Papaya comes immediately to mind. Even something as simple as a faster development cycle means we could be bringing better crops to the market faster and less expensively.

It’s stupid for GMOs to become a focal point for three very important reasons:

1. The biggest names in commercial GMO development are also the biggest names in commercial non-GMO development. Your money is ending up in their pockets one way or another. So it’s not actually causing these companies any harm.

2. Making

Uh dude, seriously do a little research. The patent on glyphosate expired FIFTEEN YEARS AGO.

Wait a second, if your concern is the issue of confounding factors, why are you so comfortable with conventional hybridization? In that case, you’re shuffling two whole genomes together - who knows what sort of thing could happen, right? With a GMO, only a tiny part of the genome is altered.

Just about every modern hybrid is patented, that sort of thing has been going for decades. If you don’t like it, you should be supporting publically funded research into GMOs. If you don’t, the only people who will have the expertise and resources to do this sort of research and development are you dreaded “Big Ag”

Enjoy your maize then I guess.

Your critique has nothing to do with GMOs and everything to do with large scale agriculture in general. You have the same (or worse) problems with conventional crops.

You realize that there are more people than just Monsanto making GMOs, right? And that Monsanto is one of the largest provider of seed intended for organic farming?

I can disregard them, quite easily in fact. Most of the time folks are just complaining about issues related to large scale agriculture in general, or capitalism. They never talk about things like second-gen Golden Rice, Rainbow Papaya, or the fact that their uneducated protests prevent new GMO companies from being

All of those issues you discuss are problems with large scale agriculture in general, and hove nothing to do with the fact that a particular crop had a single gene tweaked.

Well it’s a good thing that so many people are protesting GMOs then, because it keeps such research out of the public realm and prevents other start ups from competing in the private sector.

Each region still has different crops with different hybrids and GMO tech doesn’t change this, it simply allows people to create new hybrids much faster and much more precisely. This increases diversity, not decreases.

If you’re really worried about Monsanto being the only game in town* then people need to stop

The thing you’re missing out on is the fact that there is no such thing as “a perfect” corn or soybean or whatever. You’re going to be dealing with different types of climates, soil nutrient mixes, water salinity and traits that will only appeal to certain customers.

If anything, GMO tech is increasing genetic

There are vast swathes of non-GMO crops grown in a pesticide-dependant monoculture as well, so I’m not sure what a specific method of genetic modification has to do with it.

Lol, you completely miss the point.

Maybe if you folks weren’t so shitty to each other online developers wouldn’t need to institute such measures in the first place?

It’s way easier being a fat dude than a woman slightly larger than a Victoria’s Secret model.

You're predicting a 100% failure rate, dispite proper design, care and monitoring?