Why didn't you report that shithead to your state labor board?
Why didn't you report that shithead to your state labor board?
Modern fountain pens are awesome!
See, I trust my friends to know their bodies and their desires more than I do. And I trust them to understand basic biology. If they want to talk about it I'm there to listen, but otherwise it's none of my business.
I might think it odd too, but that doesn't mean I'd go poking around in the sex lives of other people.
But you're taking away the agency of this woman by blaming her decisions on her new significant other. Or maybe she only wants kids with a particular kind of person. And who cares how many years it was? There are tons of things I've wanted to do for years only to realize that they aren't realistic or won't make me…
Why does the big switch even matter though? Maybe she's now seen her friends have kids and with that first hand experience is now deciding it's not for her.
Regarding #3, yeah, she's being rude to you. Now that I have that out of the way...
We don't have to pay attention to this shit. As in literally make the choice to ignore it and talk about something else. If we all do this, shitty trend pieces from NYC will wither and die.
This is what I was thinking. Having these stupid hipsters ever heard of Coq au Vin?
I'd just like to point out that Spitzer is just about the only politician that took on the banking industry and was successful at it.
What the fuck do you want me to do, babysit your kids?
Yep, we're on the same page. I'm just also irritated with parents who expect me to take on their responsibilities as well as my own.
Was it really that much trouble to respond to what I actually said?
I had no idea about "compensatory erogenous areas", the brain is fucking fascinating!
Oh wow buddy, I had no idea that companies ran on finite budgets, thanks for clearing that up for me! I just thought my boss had a money tree in his back yard and shook it whenever he wanted a new car!
No shit those without kids have benefits over those who do, such as not having to pay for raising a child. But guess what? Outside of rape, it's a choice to have children. I don't want to raise children, so I'm not having any.
As a married man who never plans on having children, what pisses me off the most isn't the overtime and whatnot, but the idea that because I don't have children, my time on this earth isn't as valuable as someone who has children.
As a married man who doesn't plan on having kids, I'm totally with you.
Uh, that's why I pay taxes, not give up all my fucking free time so parents can have fun.
Or managers can fucking properly staff their offices. Not that hard.