
Your assumption here that might be flawed: You think my boss cares if I am entertaining when delivering you information and instead has told me to give you facts and get you back to your desk ASAP. If you are futzing around on your phone and a week later, you forgot something from the presentation, it’s not MY ass

When you’re in your thirties it’s very hard to make a new friend. Whatever the group is that you’ve got now that’s who you’re going with. you’re not
interviewing, you’re not looking at any new people, you’re not interested in
seeing any applications. They don’t know the places. They don’t know the food. They don’t

I am seeing a lot of people saying this is naïve, but as someone who is older, has a lot of experience in life, has gone through it and has seen others go through it...this is the best advice. I have never seen a relationship go through this and not come badly on the other side. There is a reason the other person

There's a new party being born: The People Who Hate People Party. People who hate people, come together! "No!" We're kind of having trouble getting off the boards, you know. Come to our meeting! "Are you gonna be there?" Yeah. "Then I ain't fucking coming." But you're our strongest member! "Fuck you!" That's what I'm

Now, to find out what to do if your close friend is the one doing the cheating...

EXACTLY! I have worked hard to overcome this, and most of the things I have enjoyed and pushed me beyond my boundaries have been things I reluctantly agreed to with reservations.

My install went very smoothly on both a desktop and laptop, so thank you for all of the work put into that. I use Skype and wanted to add it to the Connected Accounts as well as information from my Xbox account, and could not find a way to do that.

How much of this is the fact that they are becoming more and more beholden to their TV contracts? WWE now makes the majority of its money from its TV deal with NBC/Universal, and because of that, they have to put on 5 hours of in-ring product a week, have to listen to the TV Executives on how the show is put together

Good Ol’ JR always had trouble with Vince about his TV role because his voice was too southern and his look wasn't what Vince wants. He wants young, thin and good looking. JR may be the best ever, but he was fired repeatedly.

I still use Slacker and it’s still free as long as you listen to ads (usually after you skip a song). I have created a couple of great stations on it and have been happy enough not to feel the need to go to other services.

The advice I would give is to do your research into what other podcasts are being done in the area you are interested in. I do a comic book podcast, and I can’t tell you how many podcasts have started with “We’re pals and we want to talk comics like we do at the shop!” Since there are a LOT of those, and the best

If you are going into it for money, that’s right. If you are going into it for other reasons, don’t worry about becoming Chris Hardiwck, you'll find an audience if you are any good at it. My motto is that of MST3K: Not everyone will like it, but the right people will.

I worked for a place that had a policy where if someone said they would call their lawyer, we were to say “Here is the phone number of our legal department and they will handle all further dealings with you." Many of the other phone reps took great glee in using that to end a call with someone who'd lost their cool.

To get better service, my suggestions are:

Know what you want from the rep. The more general the question, the less I am going to be able to help you and the more time we’ll spend getting to the answer. “I need to know about my medical coverage” is so vague that I have no idea where to go with it, do you want to know

This debate has been going on since…well, since 2007, and while I understand the people who are upset by it, from Marvel’s point of view they had been trying to get rid of the marriage since Jim Shooter left the company. The entire Clone Saga was an attempt to get rid of the marriage without upsetting fans, when John

He still has more integrity as a serious journalist than Bill O'Reilly.

I have felt like that as well, and I am not even int he video game industry. I work in HR, and I have been laid off 4 times, with #5 coming next month. During the housing boom, I didn't DARE buy a house because I didn't know if the benefits and payroll departments would be moved overseas, only to come back in a year

My only complaint was that it was VERY hard to get it to find the files on my mounted SD card, and there isn't a solid manual or help site easily accessible. My search led me to their Google Plus page, where people were asking for help and getting no reply. If not for a tech savvy buddy who walked me through the

Public domain comics are out there, and they are perfectly legal to download. There are also webcomics and other comics that sell .cbr files. I do a lot of research into comics history, and the public domain stuff is impossible to afford as back issues, but legally available on-line.

Yep, either Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler is the scrappy underdog and Reigns is the one who came in and saved the day.