
I tend to think of them like I think of a lot of songs on Funeral, where I know they're good songs but I barely get them. Overall, Reflektor's first disc is more engaging than the second.

I really liked Brill Bruisers, though.

The Orpheus and Eurydice tracks are the only ones on Reflektor that I would feel comfortable getting rid of.

Am I the only person who liked The Suburbs and Reflektor a lot more than Funeral and Neon Bible?

I admit, I consume music alone in my bedroom, but that's because I'm introverted and my experiences with concerts have been pretty uncomfortable. I'll see if I can break this habit when I can find a show in my area.

By then reasonable treatment for AIDS had become available and there was less of a stigma for being gay.

Does the book work as well for people who have different memory lanes, or are those lanes just full of "obscure, unenjoyable crap?"

I don't know anything about how this phenomenon is affecting music. Could you elaborate, please?

At least this guy has a pet skunk. That's cool.

Pretty sure all those people who died of AIDS while Reagan sat on his hands and ignored them would not agree with that sentiment.

Leaving aside the fact that "the world the book takes place in" is not real, I'm laughing at the idea, presented in the above comment, that the '80s is a golden age before everything went wrong, as opposed to the time when things went sideways or the result of things going sideways. Does the book imply that The

Oh yeah, because Reagan's America was just peachy keen for everybody living in it.

Dunk and Egg, please.

For those of you in the thread who are saying "how dare you call Closer a good song! I'll never trust your opinion on anything ever again!", here's a pretty good defense of the song from someone who otherwise dislikes The Chainsmokers:…

Thanks for telling me a better song where I can hear that riff. It was the only part of "Don't Let Me Down" that I kind of like.

I like "The Scientist" a little less when I heard the same melody in Kraftwerk's "Computer World."

Finally, someone in this comments section who gets it. I mean, I don't really like this song, but it's much less hateable than anything else about The Chainsmokers.

"Closer" doesn't sound like it's trying to be stupid, though.

And they also had a song called Closer! (KoL's is better.)

But she's the new Americana.