
Even better with more ambiguity:

Answering his question and correcting his grammar in one sentence. The subtlety in that humor and the artistry and unspoken characterization of Jaime, Bronn, and Dany in this battle (all showing - no telling) makes me think they really brought out their A game for this episode in a way they haven't done in a while.

well this thread was worth it if just for this

And suddenly I'm TormundXBrienne

This absolutely. The show has been cashing in on all our goodwill for Arya the last two seasons, but soon we're going to get tired of her as an immaculate assassin. If we want to humanize a character who has been consumed by rage, it's important to see their quarries as not necessarily deserving of immediate death.

Annoyed Jaime is my man crush. Ever since he met Brienne he just seems completely annoyed with the fact that he has to play the villain and it makes for wonderful tension with his affections and allegiance to Cersei.

Arya is the absolute best, but she absolutely needs some impediments to her vengeance if I'm going to care about her quest beyond "Oh, who in this seemingly normal scene is actually Arya Stark?" - honestly not sure if all the table-setting in this episode is paced brilliance or a miscalculation given the shortened

I really thought the ending was a misfire. You can't have characters saying things like "you/I don't belong in this world", create stakes and ostensible points of no return, make an emotional goodbye scene where the law catches up, and then fast-forward through the consequences. A similar mistake was the bizarrely

Jekyll was utterly insane, but I think budget constraints helped keep his ambitions and work on more even footing. That show definitely had a jump-the-shark moment but I thought a lot of the early episodes were solid and you can't deny that Moffat is very good at keeping you hooked on a show.

Sherlock is high-powered oh-so-clever self-indulgence. It just worries me that we see how Moffat treats characters and fanbases and think to ourselves "we need more of that". I don't want a showrunner who wants to elevate his vision above the source material, pranking his viewers, wringing out their affections, then

And it will be all about Dracula, and how he's the most important character in the history of mankind, and how a secret organization is keeping tabs on him because they want to harness his blood and weaponize it.


Alright, fine, I'm mildly optimistic. There's nothing in history that suggests I should be cynical about this.

So he's legitimately a pedophile. Removing him from the population will be a favor to everyone. What he's done is despicable, but I hope he gets treatment while he serves his time, too.

Perhaps it was the noid who should have avoided me.

Damn, I wasn't huge on that Jolene cover. Her pipes are evident but it lacks the dynamic variety and wistful mournfulness of Dolly's. There's no plea to her voice; it's too anthemic. That's more on the interpretation of the song than her capabilities, but the world is full of amazing singers. Making good country

No doubt. At its best comedy sort of takes the power away from the transgressive and hurtful, but to be clear I think Louis' brand of humor requires a thick hide and tolerance for what comedy can do when content isn't off-limits. Like there, he's just playing with operative meanings of "reason" where you think he

"I'm not condoning rape, obviously—you should never rape anyone. Unless you have a reason, like if you want to fuck somebody and they won't let you."

"This isn't me millionth dollar…this is an ordinary dollar that's been crumpled up, torn slightly and kissed with Coral Blue No. 2 semi-gloss lipstick."