Even some Major Leaguer’s are starting to take issues with Tebow’s religious beliefs and “miracles.” Especially his odd insistence on converting Giant’s outfielder Angel Pagan.
Even some Major Leaguer’s are starting to take issues with Tebow’s religious beliefs and “miracles.” Especially his odd insistence on converting Giant’s outfielder Angel Pagan.
Columbus: Youre Indians. This is India.
I dunno, I think for every mainstream GOP’er that would jump back on board with Pence you would lose two deplorables that would just stay home in November if they couldn’t vote for Trump. That could swing it way in Clinton’s favor. Just my (uneducated and unfounded) take.
Curse my old eyes for not seeing that, thank you!
My bad, that was Mafia III
Yes, yes, everyone’s familiar with the old tactic of making a fool of yourself on the internet and then pretending it was all a joke.
Welcome to Jalopnik, Mr. Pence.
Interesting. I don’t remember seeing this anywhere. Do you think you could find where they said this?
Because i never tire of sharing this....
More likely she’s a poor reflection on some men.
-BLM is kinda sketchy
I’ve never experienced racism. Therefore it doesn’t exist.
I actually think the people who complain the loudest about the lack of content are people who don’t actually play Destiny. Those of us who are grinding this week are doing it because we love the game and want to be raid ready ASAP.
You know, it always seemed strange to me that the people that complain the loudest about the lack of content are the ones that desperately try to find any shortcut they can to the end-game. If they were really so damn caught up on content, then maybe just grind the strike playlists or something.
W is for Warframe that you think is a much better game,
It’s likely due to:
There is no need to defend anything. Nothing is being under attack.
So, you don’t feel ashamed of your words and deeds?
Tsk, tsk, tsk! You should feel ashamed of your words and deeds!