Bernie should be our nominee. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Bernie should be our nominee. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
if fish eat microbeads, which can soak up toxins like a sponge
Have you read the article you linked? You’re spreading misinformation. The article states that the drug “has long since gone off patent” and that Shkreli and others are using the high regulatory barriers of FDA approval to create virtual monopolies, not patent law.
He used to play fallout, till he took a Sonata to the knee.
Been there done that. Hell even in the PSX era. I got FF7 and didn’t have a memory card so left it on TWO DAYS until my parents took me to buy one. Good times.
Lol, we’re total opposites. Love stats, love calc, love basic algebra and geometry. All the shit they teach you in pre-calc and algebra II can go stuff itself; everything they teach you there is pretty much useless after you learn what derivatives are.
It’s been a strange week for the Final Fantasy VII remake, a prospect that once seemed like a nostalgic…
Thanks for the nightmares, Kotaku. It’s a real shame that we won’t get to see more League / DOTA / MOBA / eSports content on this site.
In fallout 1 and 2, you can do aimed shots to childrens eyes.
Ugh! Please don’t be that woman who is all, “Oh, I like celebrity gossip and reality shows, math is hard!” There are too many of us in the STEM fields who are on top of reality shows, fashion, celebrities and have some fierce style AND manage to have a working knowledge of stats. It’s not one or the other.
Don't cut yourself on all that edge.
Sorrynotsorry to be that asshole, but the “Lauren” is the modal name, not the median name. Median is middle, so on that list, it would be the average of “Jubilee” and “Lace”, so “Juce”? I wouldn’t put it past them to bring on a 29th cast member named “Juice” so we can reassess Bachelorette statistics then.
Kris Jenner?
Dear America - you need Bernie. He’s not the hero you deserve, but he is the one you need.
Ok, out of all the things that have been said on this website...this angers me the most. I love the WS6. I thought it always looked and performed better than it’s Chevy counterpart, and with the right mods, was an absolute beast.
Quick stuff from interviews
Is this an actual fuck up? I’ve always thought that with modern game development there’s no way you’d get games with the scope of VII... I really can’t point to a company that could - most 50 hour RPG games are rife with copy paste locations and wilderness, fetch quests and chores in the place of meaningful content,…
Anytime I need to cite a truly terrible games journalist that is out to push their own agenda with very little substance to back it up, I can always come back to Plumett.
People were always going to say they fucked up regardless of the end result.