Solid Snake

FYI, warning shots and civilian residential areas don’t mix. Not something anyone would ever allow anyone to do.

Then they need to work on that more. That’s the main problem with Last Jedi. You can plainly tell that they didn’t write the overall story before shooting all three movies. They are letting every director do whatever they want to the existing story. That’s why the original trilogy worked fine even with three

Play Link’s Awakening NOW!!!

Yea sorry but this is not something that’s all of a sudden just been happening.

Nintendo fumbling something that includes internet connectivity? Color me shocked

I worked at Home Depot for three years and I got paid pretty well for what it was, low skilled labor. $12/hr 15yrs ago is probably around 17 or 18 now which is good pay for that type of work.

Yet you can have all that without being married.

And that’s what is the main gripe that many of us have. The people that love it say that the people that don’t love it dislike it solely because they don’t like the way its different from other Star Wars films. No we don’t like it because it does not feel like a part two of a three part series. The Force Awakens was

Yes this film was f-it. F that it’s part two of a three story arc. This movie would have been fine as a standalone Star Wars movie because it leaves no loose ends, kills off or ignores important characters/things that were set up in the part one of this arc.

There is literally not one point where I felt they were at real war in this movie at all. Wait until they run out of gas? Terrible main plot line. Whole middle of movie didn’t matter either. No real struggle at all. Killing off the main villain like nothing. Get rid of the MAIN reason why any of this is happening.

And that’s one of the main reason why I did not like Last Jedi. Johnson was like, oh these guys were in TFA but I don’t like them so I’ll just kill them off for no rhyme or reason. The Last Jedi treated this part two of a series as its own movie, not part two of a three story arc. Plus the whole middle part that

No wonder why you liked this movie, you liked Rogue One which is not a good movie overall let alone a good Star Wars movie.

Does anyone that knows more about this know what this means for sports? Does Disney get sports from Fox as well? I hope that’s not the case as Disney having all sports for ESPN and Fox is definitely not a good thing.

Deserve to have your screen scratched because you would expect Nintendo to make something that doesn’t damage its own product? That doesn’t make any sense.

Great graphics aren’t everything but they are something. Breath of the Wild is in dire need of more power. Huge slowdowns and low view distance which is important for it, are what hurt it. Plus some AA would help a lot as well.

We were dumb as kids in school. We would cut up altoids, chop them up fine at school to make it look like cocaine, then snort them. Looking back at that, we were idiots.

I’m currently playing this game. At lvl 28 so still have a ways to go but this is super fun. The best Assassin’s Creed since Black Flag.

For years I had wanted to play Monster Hunter but never got around to it. A year and a half ago I bought Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on 3DS extremely excited to play but I did not like it. Gameplay was clunky, camera sucked even using the littlest nub on the New 3DS, and lots of stuff aren’t properly explained and or

Rogue One sucked, story was basic, character development sucked, plus the fact that it throws off stuff in ANH because of it.

Yea but games cost more to release a physical copy on the Switch because the physical cartridges are expensive to make which is why tons of games are more expensive on the Switch and more expensive for a physical version then on PS4 and Xbone. Nintendo would have known this when making the system.