There was a very long article about the recently canceled solo Star Wars game on this very website and it was plainly clear EA did not screw development on it.
There was a very long article about the recently canceled solo Star Wars game on this very website and it was plainly clear EA did not screw development on it.
It’s old news now.
Pshh, I moved from Huntington Beach to the San Francisco Bay Area for work. Even more of a jump in cost of living. I can’t even live close to work with how expensive it is up here. I used to live 7 miles away from work in SoCal, I now live 25 miles away from work.
Force Awakens was enjoyable but damn, they could have given us a semi original plot, not what we’ve already had in two other Star Wars movies. Then hyping up a chromed out storm trooper only to use her as horribly as you can. Sure there massive plot holes but most of those will get tied up in the other movies but…
Xbox team baked in support for the 360 in its Xbox One chipset. That’s how they are able to get backwards compatibility that much easier compared to Sony. It seems no one ever wonders why Microsoft is so easily able to do it.
I’m sorry but motion controls need to die. We didn’t need it in Breath of the Wild, we don’t need it in Mario Odyssey. Nintendo needs to stop trying to shove motion crap down our throats in games that don’t need them. The ship has sailed.
I’m pretty sure GM had this car in the US called the SS. And I’m pretty sure it had a powerful engine and looked like a sleeper. But no one bought it.
Exactly, people in NYC complain about their public transportation and I’m thinking to myself, must be nice to have decent public transportation.
Because Apple
At my current job we still use dot matrix printers and earlier this year finally switched from a DOS based POS. It’s 2017 right?
I’ve found Siri less reliable than Google Assistant. Google can hear me in loud environments, and Siri gets what I say wrong much more than than Google Assistant in normal environments. I have a Galaxy S8 Plus for personal use and iPhone 7 Plus for work. I have Apple Carplay and Android Auto and Carplay has a hard…
Perfect timing, it’s not like it’s getting cols anytime soon.
I absolutely hate the Joycons. I play 100% of the time docked with a Pro Controller. I don’t know how anyone can play Zelda or Mario Odyssey with the Joycons. My fiancée though plays undocked.
Of course you can but I that’s difficult than portable mode which I’d how many play the game. Sitting somewhere in a chair is how much fiancée mostly plays the Switch.
I watched two episodes and did not like it at all. The characters were extremely basic and offered no change on the basic standard character tropes. I was bored watching this. My fiancée loved it but I did not.
Yet the medical professional isn’t worrying about him for most of it. He’s worrying about getting out. You should already know that anybody can miss obvious stuff when they are paying attention or worrying about something else.
Last I checked, marriage was supposed to be a lifetime commitment.
And this is my problem with all the shows that everyone says are the best nowadays, you literally have to watch every episode in order from beginning to end. You can’t miss one. I don’t like watching TV shows like that. It’s probably why I like older people TV shows, can pick up and watch at any time.
I’m going to say that Mass Effect Andromeda is the reason they are totally changing the game and shutting down the studio. If Mass Effect sold well this would still go as planned.
Thats not the problem, the problem is, like bananas, people will toss them out even when they just start to brown. This means less waste of perfectly good apples.