
Call of Duty doesn't need to worry about the stigma of being a port so much as the stigma of being Call of Duty.

Related question, is there any news on who is acting in the English dub? Or perhaps who is doing the localization?

I was gonna bitch about it, but then it got super fucking catchy.

"When ever I see tattoos show up in pornos, I go limp."
For me, it has the... uh, opposite effect.

No love for Golden Sun?

(Cancels Amazon order)
(Marks calender for 20th)

Reminds me of the Psycho Mantis fight in MGS:Twin Snakes


Sooo... Halo+GW2 is the impression I'm getting. (Space FPS + Dynamic Event MMO)

Possibly. It's hilarious to read the stupidity of the comments. I have 3 sisters, all of which are as much of a 'nerd' as I am. I don't stand for misogyny any culture, nerd or not.

In a perfect world, no one's jimmies would have been rustled, much less jiggled or nudged.

And then they can make another response video of those comments that Kotaku can post to stir up more controversy.


close, but no

The article title is giving me mental images that I didn't ask for.


That's even better. This feels much less nuanced than MTG has come to be. Plus, Solforge has Deck Building.