
Yep. Logitech G930s. The 7.1 is a little tinny, but I love 'em.

Thanks :) My only problem is that I have to put my speakers behind my monitors.

Seriously, I cannot wait till it, and all the other GBA games, start being released on the Nintendo eShop.

Be on the lookout for the prisoner Raymond "Raven" Cornwell
Bio: Raymond 'Raven' Cornwell was an heir to a major conglomerate holding company whose family was brought down for fraud and corruption. He hunted down the investigator responsible for his family's demise and killed him with a sharpened pencil.
I based him

I"ll agree with you there. My ex's mom loved it, so I've seen more than I am willing to admit.

I'm getting a strong Dr. Reid/Matt G. Gubler vibe.

right, but the wiiU IS 1080p, which is what he asked.
Also, the 360 could only do 1080i, not 1080p.

1. no idea

That thing has gotta have a MONSTER psu... like, what 1500W?

Nope, not just you. It's all I can see.

Now playing

Something inside me reeeaally wants some crazy 80s song

This exactly. One of the MAJOR reasons I'm excited for Borderlands 3 is the anticipation for the inevitable amazing song they will use in the opening cinematic.

I'd like to start a thread for people's nominees for BL3's opening song.
Shall we?

God damn Jesus you're on a roll tonight

Damn this man is sexy.

I was totally thinking the same thing. The villager is DEFINITELY hardcore.

No, you're absolutely right, thank you for further clarification

That's fantastic!