
Um no. You're allowed to believe what you want. Being held accountable for an opinion would defeat the purpose of having one. Freedom of speech and thought. His opinion isn't oppressing anyone. Forcing someone to apologize for what they believe? THAT is intolerance.

Oddly missing is the 680's nemesis, the 7990.

Now playing

I loved him in SPVTW as well... but I knew him first and best in this little gem. [NSFW]

For my part, even though I've read most all of CA comics, Brubaker's contributions have been by far the most deep, conflicting, and humanizing takes on Cap. It's no wonder the man has earned multiple Eisner's for his work on Cap A. He does an amazing job of giving heart and life to what very easily could have been the

Thanks, I'm sure I stole that line from my mother.

You are absolutely right. After reading Civil War, I was completely sold. The man refuses to do the wrong thing.

I almost got emotional at the amount of support the Kotaku community has thrown my childhood/life hero. Cap, while bearing the US Standard, embodies what the Ideals that this nation was founded upon, not the neo-realistic imperialist tendencies it now gravitates towards. He saves face for the nation, rather that the

This game is incredibly fun, but it's better than it's shown here.

Love me some P.W. Singer.

Like Solid Snake, but with snoop instead.

Holy crap you're right! It all makes sense now.

He should be more worried about the fact that he's going to begin balding soon.

QUESTION: how is it with a controller? I'm a PC dude so this is a bit blasphemous, but I am a bit curious. Is the analogue stick better for slashing and dodging?

"Any items you equip will also show up on Death's character model during cutscenes, too."

Except for that goddamn letter sorting minigame.

Meee toooo

Thank God they left the tank top on.

I'll direct it. FO FREE.

Like Germans and WWII games, you too shall bear the burden of being the bad guy.

I know, right? So many good characters, beautiful colonial New England setting, romantically tragic battles, the death of an empire, the birth of a nation, and the whole thing being shaped by a devious Templar organization? Count me in, please.