
@UnknownAgent: While it's wrong, it's not as black-and-white as morality. I admit to owning an R4 and pirating games but I do my fair share of buying console titles. There just might not be enough money going around.

Ironic!? Oh yes.

@Nelson: The same people who call Aboriginals "Indians".

The media's going to blow this out of proportion. Possible headlines include:

@rich8606: "...I did my best, it wasn't much. I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch. I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you."

I had to take the LE of The Beatles: RB home on public transit. I feel your pain. I'm just glad they changed the inner layout of the box (so it was smaller than RB1) and added a handle.

@Innis: I have yet to find such a mythic beast in the vast wonderland of the Great North. Praytell; where might I gaze upon the majesty it?

@DukeOfPwn: Doesn't Modern Warfare 2 come out on Remembrance Day? Different time period but still.

@Boom-Chicka-Ah: Here to Create a Star Commenter Empire: Yo nigga, I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but sambo is the best racial slur of all time.

Ash Ketchum doesn't care about black people.

@Falleen9: If you strike it down now, it will become more powerful than you could ever imagine.

I'm hosting a little Beatles: Rock Band get-together. I'm sure it'll keep everybody happy and interested in the genre. Looking forward to getting through a bunch of the songs with a little help from my friends.

@fierysensation: Well, logically, it would be a part of the human body. (Fire + arm) Something natural goes by better with the PC crowd than, say, a gun. Besides, the word has roots in Norse. Nobody wants to associate with them pinko commies.

First it was "It's in the game" and now it is the game.

Whoa, that was a pretty sweet commercial. Informative, graphic, and strangely calming.

@Luke Plunkett: I used to watch Thomas all the time when I was young. Imagine my surprise when I found out Ringo Starr had a key part in my development. When I realized he was a Beatle, I shat bricks.

I was thinking of buying both individually as Greatest Hits (I never played them) but at $40 on a single Blu-Ray, I'm definitely getting this.

Ah, Runescape. I remember playing this about seven-eight years ago when it was still 2D. A lot of fond memories were had. It certainly helped that I could run it on a POS PC. I'm eighteen and caught between consoles but Runescape will always have a special place in heart.

@NoBullet: Blood diamonds! Tasty blood diamonds!