
It took a while but Uncharted will finally be mine! Looking forward to finally playing it.

So what? There are a lot more objectionable things on TV. Can we get some moral uproar there, too?

Not to knock on the game or anything but couldn't they have chosen better supporting bands for the setlist? When I think of Van Halen, bands like Weezer and Yellowcard certainly don't come to mind.

@n00b_pwner: Star commenter FTW: They should just hire Frank Miller to reboot a few of the franchises...

A Cloverfield monster pony must be done, posthaste!

He was a World War Hero (Stars in his eyes)

@lavans: Always a few factors to consider here. I'd guess that one of the major reasons why most of us are flocking to PSN cards is because we're not of the legal age to get credit cards. Either that or they're not ready to give up credit card information.


That was pretty sweet. Looking forward to it.

Holy shit... that looks real nice. I've got a PS3 but... but... I never picked up Uncharted 1. :(

@elmorepow: Paul is dead, man. Miss him, miss him.

Tintin FPS set in the Cold War insecurity of the post-war years.

What passing-bells for those who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle can patter out their hasty orisons.

I got accepted into the University of British Columbia, applied for some scholarships, wrote some poetry, and killed some Russians with Captain MacMillan again.

@upandb: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, actually.

Hey Rock Band,

Wow. Those are really nice plastic guitars.