
Limbaugh put it all in perspective, offering a quote from former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz.

I can appreciate that you are willing to stipulate that black people can indeed be racist-by definition. I see a lot of people refuse to even go that far. But I have to somewhat disagree with the followup statement that it has no teeth because of the inherent power imbalance between the two races.

White supremacy is a Democratic party that insisted that black and brown people are inferior to whites by proffering programs like affirmative action to show society that they can’t get jobs or admitted to a college without special programs. White supremacy is also getting upset with a group of athletes who complain

Waaaaaaah.. waaaaaaaah.. im black and i need to be taking care of. I need to whine and bitch and complain about anything i dont agree with. Waaah waaah. Im so sensitive. My feelings are so fragile. Waaaah waaaaah. The white man is reaponsible for all my misfortunes. Waaah waaah. Mist peiple will never take this

It’s called at-will employment.

Not standing for the flag or anthem and saying its not about disrespecting the flag/country is ignorant. Because this exactly what you are doing. You want to make a change? Go live in the neighborhoods where the oppression is going on (allegedly), go infuse those neighborhoods with your money, go send your kids to the

You guys reach so far in your grasp to call our President a racist. Going right along with that group think. President did actually condemn the white supremacists and he condemned the other violence as well that antifa was perpetuating. But, the media falsely reported that he was supporting white supremacists and you