Steve Soldwedel

I love the disclaimer. I am bald(ing). And I also shave my head ... but it’s *because* I’m bald. Pretty bold to do it, otherwise, though. Kudos.

You’re a hundred-percent correct. I have beard hair like steel wool and I can destroy a razor in two shaves. It’s a bummer. I usually just grow it out twice a year, and shave every three or four days, otherwise. I’ve got a straight razor, which I love, but it takes a lot of time to do it right.

I haven’t played video games in ages, but this looks amazing. Would this be a decent jumping off point, to get back into gaming? Or would you recommend starting elsewhere? A friend of mine tried to get me to play Halo, years back, in multi-player mode and I could barely get off a shot before someone came along and