
terminated immediately for unprofessional and immature behavior.

Whenever I read a story about how some company grabbed some top CEO, director, or big name anything I’m just like “Well that was a waste of money”. Unless they start saying things like “hired the whole team” that created something awesome then I’m not impressed. One person does not make a game...unless maybe your

To make you mad.

Good. I hope the McDonald’s employees take these idiots for all they are worth lol.

This is all a distraction, all of these assholes suck. The dems and republicans alike. Not one is better than the other, trump grabs pussys and Hilary’s hubby shoves cigars up them. Everyone is a hypocrite and they’re all “friends”.

ah yes, nothing says “take no shit from the man” like begging a corporation to take your money for a tv show tie-in product

The thing is, it was never hyped up to be good. It was a joke in the show, at the end of one episode, that Rick was obsessed with something utterly trivial and meaningless, that could just have easily have been any limited-run tie-in product from twenty years ago. Somehow a bunch of fans took this literally and

It just goes to show how effective marketing can be... because of how simple minded people can be. I saw that show and for a minute I was thinking “yeah, that sauce must be SO FUCKING GOOD!” then I realized, “WTF am I thinking? Just because RICK says it’s so good, a cartoon character in a wildly farcical cartoon show,

Confirmed and it totally makes sense why. These people identify with Rick because he’s the ultimate real world narcissistic power fantasy. I’m a fucking genius and I’m surrounded by idiots who don’t understand me so I deal with it through edgy humor and callous, dickish behavior. Rick & Morty is a smart show and I

[insert copypasta about how you have to have a high IQ to appreciate chicken nuggets with szechuan sauce on them]

Nah, that’s be the Infowars fandom.

harsh but fair

Sorry but most of childhood is oppressive from a child's point of view. "Don't do this" and "Don't do that." I'm sure being able to eat candy for breakfast lunch and dinner and never going to school or bathing seem like freedom too, but it's ultimately bad for the child and ruins their future. Much like slaughtering