
Oh please don’t distort fact. It is even not related political issue. Unified Progressive Party did things to be ready to take over country when war with North Korea is striked. Matter is “megalian” and “womad” are making social issue. They distribute distorted and manipulated data to justify their fak-feminism-act.

There are feminazi websites in South Korea. They are called as ‘womad’(mad women) and ‘megalian’(symbol is used to mock korean men’s penis size.( it is not even fact) ). And this happening is related to them.

Actually, the website forum which sell that t-shirts (known as “womad” and “megalian”) did many dirty things through korean society. They called heroes who died to fight with North Korea as meatshield. On 25th June(Korean War memorial day), they called the memrial day as “meat party”. They also called Korea Army