
@laser beams: Saying controversial things brings in the traffic, so why not repeat it constantly?

@bikmate: It may be a cliche, but it was the coolest looking cliche I've ever seen.

"Reynolds' version of Hal Jordan has drawn criticism for extreme doucheyness."

I haven't checked the internet yet, are people still calling this movie a flop even though it hit $243 million worldwide?

I'll pass on Move, I'm more interested in playing with the Dual Shock.

I had such a huge crush on Crystal when I was little.

@Dex-Starr: I was just about to post that. I think the public is ready for a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

@Veit: I was never under the impression that people only started not liking movies recently, so it's not like the image in my head is a bunch of people holding hands in a movie theater with rainbows everywhere. I know people who don't like Star Wars, there is no film that is universally praised by everyone.

@Veit: Essentially, yes. If you looked at my original post, I talked about how it almost seems like a competition nowadays as to who could find the most reasons not to enjoy a movie.

@Veit: It seems we're going in circles here. I can pretty much copy and paste me talking about how it's not just about things "[I] enjoy" and then you can copy and paste one of your replies and we can continue forever.

@Veit: And there we go.

@themightyspitz: I thought I read on io9 or somewhere about a conspiracy within Disney to hide/bury the original Tron until after Legacy comes out, so the audience wouldn't associate the cheesiness and geek-factor with it.

Talk about dedication.

@themightyspitz: I was the only one in my theater who laughed at the big door joke. I felt so alone.

@Veit: I'm not interested in an argument, and I'm certainly not interested in hostilities.

@OkayOctane: It's something in the water, I tell you. A global conspiracy to suck the joy out of little things in life.

@Veit: "Disliking a movie [I] like!=overly high expectations" would probably work very well for your argument if I didn't think this way about movies I didn't like either.

@bawheid: I have to say that I also loved the lottery bits in the Christmas special this year.