
@AngriestGeek: Yeah it got canceled, but it was also doing pretty well for a while. Low sales have nothing to do with the quality of the book anyway.

@Charlie Jane Anders: If they did, it would probably just be Jaime. DC is really pushing him as the awesome-est Blue Beetle, even though Ted was way cooler.

@AngriestGeek: Immortal Iron Fist is practically revered. It's the only Omnibus that I've actually gone out of my way to buy.

No Blue Beetle and Booster Gold? SERIOUSLY?

This is a terrible idea, if not simply because of the amount of people who take things too far. I wonder how long it'll be until we have our first news report of some butt-hurt kid murdering another player because they kept camping him.

@bigman88zz: Pretenders at least look cool. That stupid RPM series is basically just Hot Wheels with a picture of a Transformer on the bottom.

@Vaylkon: Jetfire's original figure used a Macross mold, so that would be why.

I think I actually prefer Don Cheadle, even though originally I figured I wouldn't like him. But after watching the film, I rather like him as Rhodey.

@Jouen: I hope my sarcasm meter is broken today, because I'm not getting any readings on this.

@Kurtt: Frank Welker did Megatron's voice in the first Transformers movie tie-in game, and it was pretty bad. No offense to the guy, he just can't pull it off as well anymore.

It started off pretty legit, but it at the end when he was just sitting there at an angle screaming at nothing, it seemed like he was just doing it to be funny.

They can work on it for a hundred years, but that doesn't mean it'll be good.

Stop getting mad at video games, Ebert.

Anything can be art from the right perspective. Though this is quite clearly art.

Probably the best thing I've ever done with Farmville.

I got my spare invite last night, but when I gave it to my friend it told him it was invalid, as it did to a bunch of other people.

"Son of Bitch"